Aedile Raistlin, Obelisk Adherent

Equite 4, Clan Vizsla, Force Disciple, Obelisk
Total Fiction Activities
Regular Fiction
6339 words in 9 activities
4014 words in 7 posts and 3 activities
2690 words in 4 activities
Displaying fiction activity reports 1 - 10 of 16 in total
Vizsla Hunting Expedition 1
[GJW XV Event Long] Fiction - Clan-Wide Run On Breakout
Textual submission

Manually added by Prophet Dacien Victae

[GJW XV Phase I] Fiction - Combat Fiction
Textual submission

Ever since joining Clan Vizsla, Raist had strived to take the toughest bounties, the ones nobody else could handle.

Ranger Jezora Zosh was one such target. The high-ranking CoM member had been assigned to Raist by E.D.I, and now the only thing left was to finish the job. Raist had a very long, and successful career bounty hunting, and he had never failed to bring in his quarry. Today would be no different.

With a speed possessed by few, Raist ignited his lightsaber and jammed it into the bulkhead in front of him. The durasteel began to dissolve and DEA-7H moved into a defensive position to anticipate whatever resistance would be awaiting them.

As the metal crumbled in front of him, Raistlin saw at least a dozen soldiers and droids, possibly more, all arrayed in a wall in front of him and his droid. They were making sure the Exarch would have no chance at reaching Ranger Zosh

They lasted less then ten seconds.

As DEA-7H started firing, Raist moved with unnatural speed, aided by the Force. DEA-7H dropped one, and Raist took another step. Raist's droid nailed another head shot before the assembled forces arrayed against them could raist their blasters against the intruders.

And then Raist was on them.

His lightsaber tore through their ranks in a blur. As he descended upon the ten or so guards left, they could not focus on which combatant to face, since both proved so much of a threat. Raist bisected a Rodian and then cleaved the appendages off of two humans that were closest to him. A guard droid was able to get two shots off, but then Raist ripped him asunder with one swipe.

As the forces arrayed against them dropped, DEA-7H paused. Enemies were dying so quickly he couldn't maintain target lock on any one individual. Within a minute, the arrayed resistance of the Lightbringers lay before Raist, the cool metal floor of the bridge was pooling with blood of different sentients and mixed appendages.

In front of Raist and his droid stood the Ranger Jezorza Zosh. Though he was shorter then the Exarch, Raist could tell he had been in many personal combat situations by the sheer number of scars criss-crossing the skin exposed out of armor. The man said nothing before igniting his saber and Riot Shield. For a few moments, the hum of these items was all that filled the room as the two combatants sized each other up.

"I'm here to bring you in, dead or alive" Raist said, fully knowing what the outcome was going to be.

Jezora said nothing, simply slamming his shield into the ground in defiance, the gesture told Raistlin everything he needed to know. No sooner was the shield raised back into a defensive posture then did the Exarch sprint to close the distance between himself and the Ranger. Raist was amazed at the man's speed and strength, despite his stature. He belied and bespoke power, and Raist could not underestimate this man and expect to emerge victorious.

Raist backed up, and the moment space was created between the two of them DEA-7H opened fire, forcing Jezora to bring up his riot shield to stave off fire. Raist increased the salvo from his arm cannon, and the two of them were forcing Jezora back, forcing him to retreat behind the nearest exposed bulkhead. His frame was hidden but Raist started to close the distance. Within two steps he had re-engaged the Ranger.

This time, Raist had him on the defensive. His posture belied his disadvantage, for though he was trading blows with Raist, the two men hearing sabers rattle off each other in a deadly ballet, Raist could feel his opponent's focus fading. Raist pressed the assault that much more, drawing on the Force to amplify his speed, making him a blur. Jezora kept up admirably, but as Raist feigned, and he went to react, Raist trailed his blade downward, severing the link on Jezora's riot shield, and forcing it to clatter to the ground.

Jezora screamed in anger, instantly drawing an ornate Sith Sword from across his back and charging back at the Exarch. With his mobility enhanced, Jezora was a threat anew, and the two danced for longer, neither giving a nanometer, for if either did, they would lose the advantage, and perhaps the battle.

Who would yield first? Neither... DEA-7H grabbed Jezora from behind as the two moved around him. As he tried to flip out of the droid's grasp, DEA-7H increased pressure, forcing Jezora to draw on the force and unleash a telkinetic blast, knocking everyone back and out.

Disoriented, Raist stood first, he couldn't tell if DEA-7H was damaged permanently or not, only that he had to seize the momentum before it was lost. Despite the heavy armor he was wearing, Raist managed to get to his feet first, while the Ranger could barely get to one knee. Raist was relentless, hammering blows down upon the Ranger who was now backpedaling to fend off the assault.

Jezora stood, but it was too late, Raist had him. The exarch plunged his lightsaber cleanly into Jezora's chest as he stood and then slid it downward. As the life left his eyes, Raist said nothing, turning away knowing he had won. He paused for just a moment, then he went to check on DEA-7H to see if he could be salvaged.


[RoS: Escalation Event Long] Fiction - Small Group Run On - Blockade
Textual submission

Manually added by Master Dacien Victae

[GJW XIV Event Long] Fiction - Clan-Wide Run On Defense of Arx
Textual submission

Manually added by Master Dacien Victae