The Ballad of Gaius Julius Caesar Julius is the old man Who heads part of the Muur Clan No real Force to his call Once was stabbed in the ball His bowels are stuck in the can.
The Ballad of Gaius Julius Caesar
Julius is the old man Who heads part of the Muur Clan No real Force to his call Once was stabbed in the ball His bowels are stuck in the can.
when you need a clan? adapt when you need a house? ascend when you have no life? avail Who do you call? Plagueis
re-upload submission, found a few typos
Manually added by Grand Master Telaris "Mav" Cantor
This is the co-op between Muse and Brimstone Brimstone/Brinestone #8649 Muse/Taranae #13721 This is the clean version, the rough draft version is linked in the pdf as well as the event organizers have already been sent access to it
This is the co-op between Muse and Brimstone
Brimstone/Brinestone #8649 Muse/Taranae #13721
This is the clean version, the rough draft version is linked in the pdf as well as the event organizers have already been sent access to it