Warlord Brimstone aka Seabr'imsto'nedansr, Blade Master

Equite 4, Clan Vizsla, Sith, Criminal Syndicate
Total Fiction Activities
Regular Fiction
25381 words in 28 activities
10733 words in 18 posts and 6 activities
1408 words in 3 activities
Displaying fiction activity reports 31 - 37 of 37 in total
Week 1: Poetry (Limerick)
Textual submission

Brimstone is a blue skinned freak
His uniform is always sleek
But What bugs him the most
Is the fact that a ghost
Got off with a slap to the cheek

Week 2: Poetry
Textual submission

this is a joke
there's no need for love
sith are pure hatred
the force is my glove

tried to be funny
but those priorities are insane
so this is a poem
that's nothing but a pain

blood is red
i am blue
poetry is a worthless skill
this is worthless to me too

Textual submission

Manually added

Round 2: Fiction
Textual submission

"HAHAHAHA!" was all the rogue Jedi could do to himself as he watched all the Brotherhood searching all over Dreshdae for the lost and stolen secret writings for Immortality. He had snuck into the library and found the supposed lost relic. And here he sit, outside, in plain view, watching all the clans sneak around trying to find info on the fabled treasures. He watched intently to see who was going to be the one, the only one that he was going to make bank on.

Despite being out in the open, he was smart enough to conceal his identity and disguised himself as one of the locals. Even though he was a rogue jedi and loyal to no one, except the credits. Could he sell it to Muz Ashen and let him become immortal? Could he sell it to Lord Jac and let his crusade keep blinding him down an illogical path of death? Could he side with the One Sith and sell it to them? The last one he was against. He had been dealing with the One Sith on this planet long enough, and on other planets also. They've tried killing him for sake. What Conner couldn't figure out was why, Plagueis, the superior Clan of the the past Crusade, would even join forces with the One Sith. This was what puzzled him the most.

He continued to sip on his ale as he watched. But in an instant, he saw someone who he might have recognize. "What the krief is a Chiss doing here?" he thought to himself. He definitely wasn't expecting to see their kind. They were too cold and calculating, much less, sticking out like a sore thumb. He wondered who the Chiss was with and if maybe, perhaps some credits could be made.

As he watched intently, apparently too much, the Chiss turned towards him and made his way to his table outside the cafe. " K'ir nah rsah seo ch'atah, rcsin'ho?" (translated "Do we know each other, stranger?") Conner looked at him and replied, "Ch'ah cart morco rost'sep ch'at veb veo bun cseah s." (translated "I was just surprised to see your kind here." The Chiss then motioned to a seat nearby and Conner nod approval to him sitting. Going back to basic language, the Chiss spoke up. "Glad to see someone who can speak Cheuhn properly. Not many humans can do so."

"It was something I learned in my trade and picked up when I was in the unknown regions years ago" Conner replied. "By the way, I didn't catch your name, friend?"

"Friend you say, because you speak my language? I assumed you wish to talk since you were looking at me so intently" replied the Chiss. "If it will ease your concerns, Conner, I am Brimstone."

Conner had a look of surprise on his face at the mention of his name, sure he was concealing himself well enough. "Conner, who's that you refer to?"

"It isn't that difficult to read one's thoughts, especially when they are trying so hard to hide. Your body language and demeanor also gave it away" Brimstone replied. "And I am sure you know by now, I am a Sith, but not one of these wretched impostors that control this city."

"So you are part of the Brotherhood then I have been hearing about. Which side do you work for?" he replied, trying to figure a way to make his escape.

Brimstone motioned to the server droid, who came over and took his order for water only. "No need to figure out how to escape. If I wanted you captured or dead, I would do it in front of everyone right now. But where would that get us?" Moments later, the droid returned with his water and left. "I have my own personal reasons and affiliations, but not the one you think of" her replied as he sipped his glass.

"That is normal for your kind, Chiss" Conner retorted with sarcasm. "So you seek something for your leader, Muz, I believe his name to be, right?"

"He is our leader, for the time being, but my loyalties are to Plagueis, no other."

"So you are working with the One Sith then?" questioned the treasure hunter.

"No. While the rest of my clan has been blinded by the deception of the One Sith, I still have resentment of their teachings and beliefs. I am here to recover items that will stop this war and destroy the One Sith, once and for all."

"And what items are they?"

"Like you need to ask, which I am sure, you are well aware of, and my guess, are already in possession of or have its location known, correct?"

"Perhaps, if the price is correct."

Brimstone smiled. He knew how greed worked and how to coax it out of an individual. He then pulled out a data pad, punched in some info, and slid it over to Conner. After taking another sip, the Jedi picked up the data pad and read what was encrypted. His eyebrows perked up as he read it to himself. "Is this a serious offer?" he asked.

"It is an offer that lasts five minutes, after that it is rescinded" replied Brimstone.

Conner looked at it again. "That s definitely a lot of credits, but the second part is what intrigues me. The further training is interesting."

"I can see a lot of potential in you as an ally, as well as a fellow darksider. So what is your answer?"

"I'll accept on one term. Only you do the training, none of your Brotherhood."

"I figured you would. The credits are half payment now, and other half when the items are verified. Then I will send you encrypted files of where to meet for your training." Brimstone then stood up, nodded his head to Conner, and left,

Conner kept looking at the data pad. 'That is a lot of credits" he amused to himself.

Round 1: Fiction
Textual submission

Brimstone watched as Plagueis commanders bombard the surface of Korriban to thin out most of the enemy entrenchments that they had rebuilt. As he sat on top of a distant mountain side, with binoculars to his eyes, he relayed coordinates to the Transcendent, which in turn, fired at precise locations of anti-personnel batteries.

After about thirty minutes of destruction raining down on the enemies parades, the firing ceased and Brimstone and his entourage of droids and fellow Plagueians prepared to head down and take the assault within the confines of the Sith Academy. The holo transmission they received earlier, no one knew who it was. But being loyal to Plagueis, Brim knew what it was to follow orders.

Fires and smoke from the charred remains of batteries smoldered in the air. The high temperatures of the planet surface made the trek unbearable. Dust flew through the valley and got into everything, including the droids, which caused some to short circuit. Still, they continued to march on towards their goal.

As they gotten closer, two people, looking like twin jedi, sprang out in their path and proceeded to tear into the front line of droids that were the initial scout teams.The two Twileks with their blue-bladed lightsabers, were causing mass chaos. But as Brimstone and other dark jedi ignited their lightsabers, ready for the attack, the twins leapt out of the area and disappeared into the dust storm.

"What the kriefing was that for" yelled one of the Plagueians. "I don't think they want us to enter fully prepared" replied the Chiss.

Stepping over the newly destroyed front line of droids, Brimstone felt through the dust shroud and could sense another in their path. As they made their way through, they came across a tall Bpfasshi with 2 droids, a ASN-121 hovering over his head behind him, and a YVH 1, or Yuuzhan Vong Hunter One combat droid. He stood there with his purple lightsaber ignited. "You will not pass." he said clearly in basic.

"And you expect us to just back down and call it a day?" retorted Plagueian Callus.

"No, I expect you to die, and without your front droids, I have no problem with dealing with you now" smiled Synin Torin as he with lightning speed tossed out thermal grenades, at the same time, his ASN droid opened fire with his flamethrower. All the dark jedi dove out of the way of the grenades, which went off by the rest of the droid troops they had, destroying them immediately.

Brimstone, and 3 others took the battle towards the Yuuzhan Vong Hunter droid, 4 Elders and Equites went after Synin Torin, and 2 tried to shoot down the ASN as it continued to lay down a blanket of flames. The battle raged on for what seemed to be a few hours, and was only short. The Yuuzhan Vong Hunter droid fell into pieces, the ASN was blown out of the air, and Synin Torin lost his right arm and was defeated. None of the Plagueis Elders wanted to hear his pleas so one of them lopped off his head, killing him quickly.

Now after the quick skirmish, it was time for them to head towards the Valley so they can try to lay claim to the tombs for Plagueis. As they made a sprinted run for the valley entrance, they noticed multiple groups of other clans headed towards the same location as them. The fight was about to get intense. The Valley of the Dark Lords was full of dark energies. Ghosts of the past called out to everyone that could hear them. Korriban was hostile to all life.

As they made their way, K'lor'slugs and Sithspawn of different types stood in their way and started attacking. The only good thing was the other clans were dealing with the same creatures. A member of Tarentum tried to make his way towards the Plagueians to hopefully get a easy kill, but Brimstone recognized him from his days with the clan and telekinetically attacked him. As the Dark Jedi Knight hurled backwards, the Chiss jumped towards him and drove his crimson blade straight into his chest cavity, killing him instantly.

*"Hurry towards the entrance"* bellowed Callus. The Plagueians made their way to the openings and got within its secured walls. *"Set up quick perimeter and open fire on anything not Plagueis"* yelled Kz'set. Multiple shots rang outwards and enemy forces fell back for cover and tried to assess the situations. Brimstone pulled out his dual charric blasters and took a covered positions, releasing multiple shots of blue lasers at anyone that tried to approach or invade. Plagueis won the first battle to reach the Academy first, soon it will be the Tombs, probably when night fall hit.

The Anchorage - Separated
Textual submission

_Brim, wake up. Damn it Chiss, wake up._

Clouds of noise clamoured in Brimstone's head from the sudden fall through the ancient space station's bulkheads. He had been with his team, searching for the missing Teylas. Plagueis lost contact hours earlier and the Dread Lord commanded an immediate search for the missing Plagueian.

_Damn it, can anyone see down below for him?_

The voices kept pounding in his head. Opening his eyes, the darkness started fading as his eyes adjusted. Looking upwards, he took note that he fell approximately 40 feet. The hardened floor didn't help cushion the stop. Sitting up, some blood trickled down his forehead and into his left eye. Reaching into a utility pouch, he pulled out an illumination stick and cracked it open, illuminating the room green, causing the shadows to retreat in fear.

Callus, who was yelling above, saw the glow stick. As he reached for the comm device, Brimstone was already contacting him. "I'm ok boss, little blood on head, don't take a step."

"You ok? "

"Yeah, looks like some kind of laboratory. Dome shaped.

"Okay, stay there. We'll find a route to you. Dropping a med pack through hole, should seal ya fine" replied the Quaestor.

"Roger, out."

Brimstone watched as the package fell about five feet from him. He reaches out and grabs it with the Force, bringing it to him. Looking around and surveying his situation, Brimstone applied a gauze bandage on the top of his scalp.

A noise from behind made the Sith Warrior spin into a kneeling crouch, immediately grabbing the hilt of his lightsaber, igniting it quickly. The red blade fired more shadows into oblivion.

"Teylas, is that you?" called out the Chiss. He was hopeful for an answer, but instead he only heard metal creak its waning song. Brimstone continued to search the room for any power source to shed light on his location. After about thirty minutes, he found a dusty computer terminal. Pulling of a side plate, Brimstone tinkered with the wiring until the screen finally flickered back to life. Reading the command prompts, he found access to the rooms controls and turned on the lights, air filtration system, and security cameras for the room and three hallways. The vision he saw in each hallway looked like different access to the room he was in.

He continued to punch in more commands to find any information on his location. But unfortunately, most of the files were corrupted due to millenniums of inactivity. He did find a partial journal log, dated approximately 3000 years earlier. But the language was one he wasn't familiar with. One word did come out that he heard before; Terentatek. Brimstone remember the creature during his studies in the Chiss Ascendancy in xenology. It was a 3-4 meter tall, horned creature that fed off of force sensitive humanoids or creatures.

Another creak in the bulkheads caused him to turn his head. Shaking off the disturbance, he went back to the monitors. Brimstone noticed one of the hallways cameras had gone dark. He figured it was due to age, but something in his gut caused him to investigate it. Keying in commands, he rewound the feed. Watching closely, the hallway was illuminated until a shadow crossed the wall and then suddenly the camera went dark. Brimstone's senses went into full alert. Something or someone was nearby and didn't want to be seen.

Looking around, he tried to setup where he could have an advantage incase he was attacked. Storage lockers lined the room along with lab tables and busted glass containers. The hole above was full of jagged beams so leaping out was pointless, especially since his team was trying to find their way to him. Going to a storage locker, he opened it, but found nothing within. Nearly all of them were empty. Nothing of any use was available. Just when he was about to quit searching, he went to one that resembled a deep freezer. Expectant to find molded food stuffs or decaying petri examples, he was aghast to find something different. Teylas. Grabbing his neck to check for signs of life, Teylas' eyes popped open and force shoved Brimstone away. The Chiss hit hard on the other side of the room as Teylas jumped after him, igniting his lightsaber, ready to strike dead his foe. Only when he realized it was an ally did he stop in mid strike.

"Brim, what the sithspit are you doing here" he yelled.

Sitting back up, the Chiss looked at him. "Looking for your sorry ass. We lost contact with you and Vivackus sent out search parties." Brim then stood up as he continued, "what were you doing in the freezer?"

"I was in a force cocoon. I was trying to hide my presence."

"What ever for? " exclaimed the Chiss.

"Damn sithspawn. I ran into it in one of the hallways and it nearly decapitated me. It hunts via force ability. Now that I'm not hidden, our chances to being discovered just got worse. "

"Well Callus and others are on the way" he started to say as he watched Teylas go over to the monitor. "Yeah, I got the systems running. Lost one of the monitors a few minutes ago. Something is outside."

At that time, the southern door pounded. Dents started forming in the steel. Loud sounds reverberated from the other side with each strike.

"Looks like we have company" retorted Teylas.

"Defense patern wampa" suggested Brimstone.

Both Plagueians stood next to each other, one foot forward, one a step back, ready to jump out of the way once whatever came through entered. Seconds later, the door bashed inwards towards them as they dove out of the way. A black and reddish hued horned creature barrelled in, bellowing loudly. Standing nearly 4 meters high, Brimstone recognized it immediately. It was a mutated Terentatek. This one had many more horns and spikes all over its body. And it also saw them both. Teylas and Brimstone knew they'd both had to attack from different angles to keep it off balanced.

The creature went after Brimstone first, lashing out with its razor sharp talons. Brim dove out of its killing blow, but barely in time. At same time, Teylas jumped behind it to strike with his lightsaber. The strike, which would have severed any other creature, just deflected off its armored hide. He then flipped backwards as the Terentatek spun around to strike back.

"Brim, its hide has been enhanced. Lightsabers can't.penetrate it" he yelled.

Now they were both in trouble. What they needed to do was escaping their grasp.

To be continued ........

(Note. I left this ending opened for the reader as if he was reading an on going comic book series)

Fading Light: Nicht Ka - Fiction
Warlord Brimstone aka Seabr'imsto'nedansr opted out of publishing his submission.