Warlord Brimstone aka Seabr'imsto'nedansr, Blade Master

Equite 4, Clan Vizsla, Sith, Criminal Syndicate
Total Fiction Activities
Regular Fiction
25381 words in 28 activities
10733 words in 18 posts and 6 activities
1408 words in 3 activities
Displaying fiction activity reports 1 - 10 of 37 in total
[GJW XV Event Long] Fiction - Clan-Wide Run On Breakout
Textual submission

Manually added by Prophet Dacien Victae

[Pro Bowl V: Week Two] Poetry
Textual submission

given the ending
to be at peace with one's self
staring at mirrors

[RoS: Escalation Event Long] Fiction - Small Group Run On - Blockade
Textual submission

Manually added by Master Dacien Victae

[RoS: Escalation Phase II] Fiction - A Chaotic Opening
Textual submission

Brimestone sat in the casino, gambling and drinking as he waited for his brother to show up. The casino was too posh for his tastes, but then again, the Hutts were known for extravaganza events. He knew the crowd was actually here for the main event fight between heavyweight champion Da’wain “The Rock” Jhonsson and “Stone Cold” Stav Ustan, an illegal deathmatch that had been banned in numerous systems. A Twilek slave acting as a waitress would stop by once in a while to refresh his tonic.

Two hours had passed by when there was a sudden commotion outside, followed by loud explosions that shook the building hard enough that his stack of cred chips tumbled over. Looking around at the crowd that had started to rush for the exits, Brime grabbed and pocketed his winnings. He wasn’t part of any known organization, only associated with the Brotherhood because of his brother, Brimstone. They were identical twins, sans the facial hair.

He headed over to the cash pit and exchanged the winnings to a cred pad of his own account. Then he made his way outside to see what all the commotion was about. Multiple ships in the sky were firing down onto the surface as were shuttles he didn’t recognize were making their landing. Brime watches as they land, while hiding himself from observation.

As soon as the first shuttle landed, multiple blue and red creatures emerged and started to run into the city streets, attacking everyone and anything that was fleeing. He had never seen these before, but he could feel a dark energy swirling around them that he could sense.

As he squatted behind the makeshift barrier, he was grasped on his shoulder by a metal glove. He turned and could see a person in a full Beskar mandalorian outfit. Recognizing the symbol on his chest plate, he knew it was his brother.

“It is time to go,” Brimstone said.

“What the Kriffin is going on, “replied Brimestone.

“The Collective. They have new soldiers and you are not ready for them.”

They both hurried out of the view and back towards the spaceport. As they ran, more blasts came down from orbit that nearly got them. “We need to hurry to my ship and get out of here.”

The two brothers ran as face as the Force would let them. They found their ways into the starport and to Hangar 18 to where Brimstone’s Firespray was docked. He hit a button on his arm sleeve and the ramp started to lower. Once they both were safely aboard, the droid, K'ebatas, was already prepping the ship for emergency lift off. “Sir, we have multiple Collective forces in Orbit and they are trying to level the city.”

“I know, ignore the authorization commands of the dock personnel and get this ship going” he retorted.

As the Firespray lifted, a turbolaser hit the Hanger next to them, destroying the ship and people inside that were trying to escape to. Brimstone jumped into the Pilot’s chair and grabbed the yoke, pulling back hard and changing his trajectory over the city and to the west.

“We’re not going up?” asked his brother.

“Not with those blasts raining down on us, let the others take the hits, we’re staying close to the surface and skimming the planet till we can find a trajectory with minimal oppression.”

The ship traveled for about thirty minutes when the droid finally told him of the best route to make their escape. Brimstone banked hard and headed into the night sky and space. As they left the atmosphere, they avoided detection from one of the Collective ships. A button here and there, and the ship shot off into hyperdrive and was gone in a flash.

[GJW XIV Event Long] Fiction - Clan-Wide Run On Defense of Arx
Textual submission

Manually added by Master Dacien Victae