Character Sheet Reference

Displaying feats 261 - 280 of 529 in total
Feat Type / Location Description Created / Updated
Aleena: Nine Lives Granted Default Feat

Aleena are known to be easily excitable, and will often rush into danger before truly knowing the full scope of it. Fortunately, they have evolved to possess heightened-reflexes in their spry physiology. The character is often able to avoid impending physical harm thanks to them elevated reaction time, even if it is their own fault for being in danger in the first place.

Prerequisites: Species: Aleena

2015/09/11 / 2021/12/16
Kessurian: Keen Hearing Granted Default Feat

With the elongated pointed ears and montrals, Kessurian are much more keen to its perception of sounds down to the smallest pitch and even over long distances. Due to the sensitivity, The character is subject to risks of discomfort, pain, and disorientation with loud noises. This may be mitigated with protective covers.

Prerequisites: Species: Kessurian

2023/05/04 / 2023/05/04
A Warrior's Call Granted Default Feat

The character has achieved the glory of being a well-known face in the arena. Their long history of many battles fought has given weight to their name, giving them a +1 Skill point bonus to their Intimidation Skill (up to a maximum of +5).

Related Skills/Powers: Intimidation

Prerequisites: Trophy: Spoils to the Victor, level 12

2023/04/19 / 2023/05/07
Sullustan: My Own Eyes Granted Default Feat

The character prefers to get their information from first hand sources that can be verified with their own eyes. This skepticism makes it harder for them to trust reports from both friends and allies alike to the point where The character will put themself in harm's way to confirm the information.

Prerequisites: Species: Sullustan

2016/02/16 / 2021/12/16
Proficiency III Granted Default Feat

The character has spent years training and honing their skills with their favourite weapons. This allows them to use their chosen Primary Weapon’s associated Skill at +2 Skill Points higher, their chosen Secondary Weapon’s associated Skill at +1 Skill Point higher (to a maximum of +5).

Related Skills/Powers: Bladed Weapons, Blasters, Blunt Weapons, Explosives, Lightsaber, Miscellaneous Weapons, and Slugthrowers

Prerequisites: Discipline: Weapons Specialist and Rank Tier: Elder

2015/08/31 / 2021/12/21
Snap Judgement Granted Default Feat

The character's experience in Combat Center judgments has honed their their ability to notice a persons' tells. This gives The character one chance per combat to not be surprised or caught off guard by an opponent's actions/tactics.

Prerequisites: Trophy: Pays to Critique, level 12

2023/04/19 / 2023/05/07
Dowutin: A Not-So-Delicate Touch Granted Default Feat

Dowutin were known for their brutish strength. The character can leverage their immense size to perform temporary feats of preternatural strength without the need of the Force for the object. Their sheer size could also be a hindrance, making it difficult to fit in places and use furniture made for normal-sized species.

Prerequisites: Species: Dowutin

2023/05/15 / 2023/05/15
Dowutin: Have You Seen My Glasses Granted Default Feat

Evolving in the frigid, windswept tundras of Dowut left the Dowutin species with a poor eyesight. While they can see well enough at close to medium range, the horizon is a blur to them. Thankfully, evolution gave them superior senses of hearing and smell, able to pick out lower frequencies and discern additional information through odors.

Prerequisites: Species: Dowutin

2023/05/15 / 2023/05/15
Gamorrean: Everything Looks Like A Nail Granted Default Feat

A proud warlike species, Gamorreans are well known for their ability to brute force their way through a solution. This makes The character primed for physical intimidation, but also makes it harder for him to be taken as an intellectual.

Prerequisites: Species: Gamorrean

2023/05/16 / 2023/05/16
Gamorrean: Credits Pay Granted Default Feat

A species famous for their work in the criminal underworld, Gamorreans have a naturally easy time finding work as hired muscle. This however means many assume The character is part of some under-the-table dealings.

Prerequisites: Species: Gamorrean

2023/05/16 / 2023/05/16
Chameleon III Granted Default Feat

A wizened Infiltrator is only detected when they choose to be. The character has learned to seamlessly become one with their surroundings, and gets a +2 Skill point bonus to their Stealth Skill when blending into a crowd or environment when prepared, or a +1 Skill Point bonus when forced to improvise (to a maximum of +5).

Related Skills/Powers: Stealth

Prerequisites: Discipline: Infiltrator and Rank Tier: Elder

2016/08/02 / 2023/11/18
Selonian: Sleek With Sunglasses Granted Default Feat

Selonians’ long bodies are well-built for movement on land and water. The character can bolster his Athletics with improved running speed by dropping onto all fours, and he can swim just as fast. Due to evolving in an underground society, though, The character also has sensitive eyes that are highly susceptible to bright lights and flashes.

Prerequisites: Species: Selonian

2023/06/27 / 2023/06/27
Steady Hands II Granted Default Feat

The character can calmly and mechanically work with their Medicine skill even when under the stress of a battlefield skirmish. They can filter out loud distractions such as detonations and screaming while remaining focused on administering aid. They are granted a +1 Skill Point bonus to Medicine (up to a maximum of +5).

Related Skills/Powers: Medicine

Prerequisites: Discipline: Field Medic and Rank Tier: Equite (exact)

2015/08/31 / 2021/12/21
Selonian: I Meant What I Said Granted Default Feat

In Selonian culture, lying is considered a crime as evil as murder, as they do not stand for misinformation. This is likely to put The character into a tough place when honesty could have consequences, and it may impact how The character views his peers who are liable to skirt the truth. On the upside, people can generally have good faith that what The character has to say will be true.

Prerequisites: Species: Selonian

2023/06/27 / 2023/06/27
Ewok: Yub Nub! Granted Default Feat

Boasting a culture of arboreal warriors who prize courage and success, Ewoks are dauntless by nature. Through sheer force of will, The character has a penchant for succeeding in situations that would overwhelm or terrify other beings.

Prerequisites: Species: Ewok

2017/05/18 / 2021/12/16
Xenobiology I Granted Default Feat

The character has a grip on the biology of alien Species popular in the galaxy, and ones that closely relate to their native Species. This allows them to work, treat, and diagnose alien physiology when implementing medical aid without the need of a Lore Topic, but both diagnosis and treatment time are increased slightly compared to if they was working on their own species.

Related Skills/Powers: Lore and Medicine

Prerequisites: Discipline: Field Medic and Rank Tier: Journeyman (exact)

2015/08/31 / 2021/12/21
Devaronian: Pick Your Poison Granted Default Feat

Devaronians possess silver-based blood type with two livers filtering out most toxins. This makes The character more resistant to toxins and poisons that are inflicted through the bloodstream, and allows them to consume foodstuffs that are otherwise potent to other species.

Prerequisites: Species: Devaronian

2017/05/03 / 2021/12/16
Golden Envoy Presence Granted Default Feat

The character’s experience and reputation through the Envoy Corps has given them an air of agency when acting on the Brotherhood’s behalf. The character has an advantage on either Deception, Leadership, Charm, or Intimidation when acting in the Brotherhood's interests.

Related Skills/Powers: Charm, Deception, Intimidation, and Leadership

Prerequisites: Trophy: You Can Certainly Try, level 11

2023/02/16 / 2024/03/14
Shani: Maneater Granted Default Feat

Scrutinized for their dietary preferences, the Shani are a species that prefers their meals warm. Rumored to devour sentients whole, their unhinged jaws are able to accommodate their unorthodox appetites. Justly, the Shani are a source of distrust and fear for those familiar with this behavior and might avoid The character on seeing his feathered mane. The character can showcase their ability to unhinge their jaws to intimidate others into doing their bidding.

Prerequisites: Species: Shani

2023/05/30 / 2023/05/30
Shani: Original Gangster Granted Default Feat

Long-lived, the Shani are regarded as the Galaxy’s original bounty hunters among the Hutts. Due to their species’ storied history, The character might find respect and disdain in equal measure among criminal syndicates and Hutt cartels. He will often have significant accommodations made for them when dealing with Hutts.

Prerequisites: Species: Shani

2023/05/30 / 2023/05/30