Feat | Type / Location | Description | Created / Updated |
Manchurian Candidate | Chosen Force Feat |
The character may delay a Mind Trick from taking effect for a predetermined amount of time, or a specific trigger event. The more distant in the future, or the more complex the trigger, the less powerful the Mind Trick must be to compensate. Related Skills/Powers: Mind Trick Prerequisites: Order Group: Force Sensitives and Rank: Journeyman 4 |
2013/08/21 / 2021/12/16 |
You Can't Stop The Signal | Chosen Skill Feat |
When hacking into communications systems or relays specifically, The character gets a +1 Skill Point boost to their Slicing Skill (to a maximum of +5). Related Skills/Powers: Slicing Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Novitiate |
2013/08/21 / 2021/12/16 |
The System, Is Down | Chosen Skill Feat |
The character has trained on the common security system, and knows how to quickly break in to disable cameras and locks. If unharassed and not distracted, The character gets a +1 Skill Point boost to their Slicing Skill (to a maximum of +5) while disabling cameras or locks. Related Skills/Powers: Slicing Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Novitiate |
2013/08/21 / 2021/12/16 |
Kneecapper | Chosen Skill Feat |
With a well aimed blow, The character gets a +1 Skill Point bonus to their Blunt Weapons Skill when attempting to cripple a foe with a successful melee swing, thus slowing the foe's movement for a handful of seconds (to a maximum of +5). Related Skills/Powers: Blunt Weapons Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Novitiate |
2013/08/21 / 2021/12/17 |
Elementary | Chosen Force Feat |
The character's Sense skill is uniquely tuned to picking up subtle clues left through the Force that even the most critical of eyes could miss. These clues flash across The character's conscious for fleeting moments that trigger without actively using their Sense power. The more practiced The character is with Sense, the stronger the details. Related Skills/Powers: Sense Prerequisites: Order Group: Force Sensitives and Rank Tier: Journeyman |
2013/08/21 / 2021/12/16 |
Aura Of Fear | Chosen Force Feat |
The character has the ability to wear the Dark Side as a perpetual aura of fear that stretches out around them as they desire to have it going. This fear causes mundanes to steer clear of their path and can even cast doubt in those of lower Resolve than The character's Terror ability. Related Skills/Powers: Terror Prerequisites: Order Group: Force Sensitives and Rank: Equite 4 |
2013/08/21 / 2021/12/16 |
Second Skin I | Chosen Skill Feat |
The character has trained to live and function in their armor, even if it is exceptionally heavy. Armor Encumbrance is negated by 1 Point as a result. Related Skills/Powers: Athletics and Stamina Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Journeyman (exact) |
2013/08/21 / 2023/11/13 |
Run And Gun | Chosen Skill Feat |
The character is more accurate firing while mobile and on the run than they are setting their feet and stationary. While in motion, The character's accuracy is increased. The character gets a +1 Skill Point bonus to their Blasters, Slugthrowers or Miscellaneous Weapons Skills (to a maximum of +5). Related Skills/Powers: Blasters, Miscellaneous Weapons, and Slugthrowers Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Journeyman |
2013/08/21 / 2021/12/16 |
Stay A While And Listen | Chosen Skill Feat |
The character is skillful at divining how to use, manipulate, and/or identify ancient artifacts they encounters and can use their Investigation Skill instead of requiring a relevant Lore Topic. Related Skills/Powers: Investigation and Lore Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Novitiate |
2013/08/21 / 2021/12/16 |
Elusive Prey | Chosen Skill Feat |
The character has managed to stay alive by knowing how to watch their own back. The character gets a +1 Skill Point bonus to their Survival Skill when covering their tracks to avoid being followed (to a maximum of +5). Related Skills/Powers: Survival Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Novitiate |
2013/08/17 / 2021/12/16 |
Assess The Situation | Chosen Skill Feat |
The character is extremely skilled at scanning an area for information. The character can replace their Perception Skill with their Investigation Skill for the purposes of quickly gathering information on a situation. Related Skills/Powers: Investigation and Perception Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Novitiate |
2013/08/17 / 2021/12/16 |
Linguistic Liar | Chosen Skill Feat |
The character is an experienced liar and saboteur, and their vocal cords are just one more weapon in their arsenal. They might not have spent a lot of time studying other languages, but they has picked up a few tricks along the way. The character can replace their Linguistics Skill with their Deception Skill in order to mimic or impersonate other languages when attempting to pull some sort of con. While this ability might be used to their advantage, The character can easily find trouble if they unwittingly pulls the trick on someone who can actually understand whatever nonsense they is saying. Related Skills/Powers: Deception and Linguistics Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Novitiate |
2013/08/17 / 2023/11/08 |
Trick Shots | Chosen Skill Feat |
When using a ranged weapon such as a Blaster, Slugthrower, or Throwing Knives, The character can calculate bullet or bolt trajectories with a mixture of spatial awareness, a general knowledge of projectile physics, and instinct. They can take advantage of tricks such as ricocheting or reflecting shots around corners or obstacles when the situation calls for it. Related Skills/Powers: Blasters and Slugthrowers Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Equite |
2013/08/17 / 2021/12/16 |
We Are Legion I | Chosen Force Feat |
The character can spread his Creature Control power to two creatures with scaled focus and concentration respective to the type of creatures. Related Skills/Powers: Creature Control Prerequisites: Order Group: Force Sensitives and Rank: Journeyman 4 (exact) |
2013/08/17 / 2021/12/16 |
To The Pain | Chosen Skill Feat |
The character has the ability to, even while crippled or fatigued, use their Deception Skill to mask their injuries for a short period of time and deliver an appropriate bluff, hiding their injured or debilitated area. Related Skills/Powers: Deception Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Equite |
2013/08/17 / 2023/11/08 |
The Force is With Me | Chosen Skill Feat |
Some might call it luck. Others would argue that there are higher powers at work. The character has a knack for avoiding potentially lethal strikes by acts that blur the line between chance and skill. Related Skills/Powers: Sense Prerequisites: Rank: Journeyman 4 |
2013/08/17 / 2021/12/16 |
I Know That Feel, Bro | Chosen Force Feat |
The character can use their Sense Power to augment their Charm Skill. By reading their target's thoughts and aligning with their emotions, they can easily relate to anyone, regardless of stark conflict in personality or sense of justice. The character gets a +1 Skill Point boost to their Charm Skill (to a maximum of +5) when augmenting with their Sense Force Power. Related Skills/Powers: Charm and Sense Prerequisites: Order Group: Force Sensitives and Rank Tier: Journeyman |
2013/08/17 / 2023/11/08 |
'Tis But A Scratch | Chosen Force Feat |
The character can continue fighting even if one or more of their appendages is severed. Of course, they can't swing a weapon they can no longer wield. This is an advanced application of Control Self and lasts only as long as The character can maintain focus. Related Skills/Powers: Control Self Prerequisites: Order Group: Force Sensitives and Rank Tier: Elder |
2013/08/17 / 2021/12/16 |
You Killed My Father, Prepare To Die | Chosen Skill Feat |
The character is able to overcome a crippling injury through sheer willpower and toughness to complete their fight or mission. When focused on the task, their will is locked into finishing the conflict, ignoring their pain from injury conditions without any aid from the Force until success or failure. Even if The character is successful, they will collapse from exhaustion and need medical attention. Related Skills/Powers: Resolve Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Equite |
2013/08/17 / 2021/12/16 |
Deep Bond I | Chosen Force Feat |
The character has formed a lasting bond with a single Domesticated creature through the Force. This allows The character easier command and communication without the need to maintain concentration when controlling a bonded creature with Creature Control. (Bonded creature must be cited in Loadout Description) Related Skills/Powers: Creature Control Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Journeyman (exact) and Order Group: Force Sensitives |
2013/08/17 / 2021/12/16 |