Character Sheet Reference

Displaying feats 281 - 300 of 529 in total
Feat Type / Location Description Created / Updated
Xenobiology II Granted Default Feat

The character has become intricately familiar with a larger scale of known alien Species in the Galaxy. This allows them to work, treat, and diagnose alien physiology when implementing medical aid without the need of a Lore Topic, but treatment time is increased slightly compared to if they was working on their own species.

Related Skills/Powers: Lore and Medicine

Prerequisites: Discipline: Field Medic and Rank Tier: Equite (exact)

2015/08/31 / 2021/12/21
Xenobiology I Granted Default Feat

The character has a grip on the biology of alien Species popular in the galaxy, and ones that closely relate to their native Species. This allows them to work, treat, and diagnose alien physiology when implementing medical aid without the need of a Lore Topic, but both diagnosis and treatment time are increased slightly compared to if they was working on their own species.

Related Skills/Powers: Lore and Medicine

Prerequisites: Discipline: Field Medic and Rank Tier: Journeyman (exact)

2015/08/31 / 2021/12/21
Mirialan: It's All On My Face Granted Default Feat

Mirialans bear facial markings that show they have completed certain tests or tasks. Therefore, it is clear to the world what The character has accomplished and thus they will face great difficulty in passing themself off as an expert in something they are not adept in or when attempting to feign ignorance.

Prerequisites: Species: Mirialan

2015/08/10 / 2021/12/16
Mirialan: Karma Granted Default Feat

Mirialans religiously practice a unique understanding of the Force. Following this belief, The character believes that their individual actions contribute to shape their destiny. This makes The character far more perceptive in determining the immediate outcomes of their actions through weighing the consequences.

Prerequisites: Species: Mirialan

2015/08/10 / 2023/08/10
Shaevalian: Not Our Problem Granted Default Feat

Shaevalians don't tend to get involved in matters that don't pertain or advance their own goals as a superior species. As such, The character has a hard time falling in line or subscribing to any motivational propaganda involving non-Shaevalian affairs such as war or conflict. This independence makes it difficult for their leaders to control them, making The character somewhat of a wildcard.

Prerequisites: Species: Shaevalian

2015/08/10 / 2021/12/16
Shaevalian: Tough Mudders Granted Default Feat

Possessing a denser bone structure, Shaevalians are more resistant to physical pain than most species. Even with near-fatal injuries, The character can ignore the worst of the pain to the point that their physiology prevents them from passing out during combat or intense interrogation. However, The character will still feel the effects of fatigue from bodily harm as normal.

Prerequisites: Species: Shaevalian

2015/08/10 / 2021/12/16
Sephi: Everyone Has A Tell Granted Default Feat

Sephi are notable for their long tapered ears. Besides their appearance, The character's ears are known to twitch, swivel, and even flatten in accordance with their emotional state. While an endearing trait to some, it requires The character to put forward a more conscious effort to control themself when attempting to disguise their emotions.

Prerequisites: Species: Sephi

2015/08/10 / 2021/12/16
Synergy III Granted Default Feat

The character can instantly extend the effects of their defensive Force powers to a small team of allies within close proximity. they can share the effects of their Concealment, Force Cloak, Healing, or Control Self so long as they are concentrating on the task. Powers shared remain relative to The character’s level of training in them. Excludes: Barrier.

Related Skills/Powers: Concealment, Control Self, Force Cloak, and Healing

Prerequisites: Discipline: Defender and Rank Tier: Elder

2015/08/09 / 2021/12/21
Synergy II Granted Default Feat

The character can more readily extend the effects of their defensive Force powers to a small team of allies within close proximity. they can share the effects of their Concealment, Force Cloak, Healing, or Control Self so long as they are concentrating on the task. Powers shared remain relative to The character’s level of training in them. Excludes: Barrier.

Related Skills/Powers: Concealment, Control Self, Force Cloak, and Healing

Prerequisites: Discipline: Defender and Rank Tier: Equite (exact)

2015/08/09 / 2021/12/21
Synergy I Granted Default Feat

As a Journeyman, The character has learned to extend the effects of their defensive Force powers to a single ally within close proximity. The character can share the effects of their Concealment, Force Cloak, Healing, or Control Self so long as their full concentration is dedicated to the task. Powers shared remain relative to The character’s level of training in them. Excludes: Barrier.

Related Skills/Powers: Concealment, Control Self, Force Cloak, and Healing

Prerequisites: Discipline: Defender and Rank Tier: Journeyman (exact)

2015/08/09 / 2021/12/21
Force Pulse III Granted Default Feat

The character can use Suppression to negate the full effects of Force-imbued ailments that slow, hinder, stun, or disorient a cluster of allies in close proximity as long as their full concentration is on the task. This ability works against Slow, Illusion, Darkness, Blinding, and Terror.

Related Skills/Powers: Suppression

Prerequisites: Discipline: Defender and Rank Tier: Elder

2015/08/09 / 2024/01/30
Force Pulse II Granted Default Feat

The character can use Suppression to negate the midline effects of Force-imbued ailments that slow, hinder, stun, or disorient themself and a cluster of allies in close proximity as long as their full concentration is on the task. This ability works against Slow, Illusion, Darkness, Blinding, and Terror.

Related Skills/Powers: Suppression

Prerequisites: Discipline: Defender and Rank Tier: Equite (exact)

2015/08/09 / 2024/01/30
Force Pulse I Granted Default Feat

As a Journeyman, The character can use Suppression to dampen the baseline effects of Force-imbued ailments that slow, hinder, stun, or disorient themself and a single ally in close proximity as long as their full concentration is on the task. This ability works against Slow, Illusion, Darkness, Blinding, and Terror.

Related Skills/Powers: Suppression

Prerequisites: Discipline: Defender and Rank Tier: Journeyman (exact)

2015/08/09 / 2024/01/30
Mechu-deru III Granted Default Feat

The character can infuse sentient life into even the most advanced assassination and combat droids. They can enslave multiple droids without a conscious effort of maintaining the link unless needing to issue orders.

Related Skills/Powers: Mechanics and Telepathy

Prerequisites: Discipline: Techweaver and Rank Tier: Elder

2015/08/09 / 2021/12/21
Mechu-deru II Granted Default Feat

The character has learned to infuse sentience and control into more sophisticated droids such as combat, interrogation and astromech types, and manipulate them through a connection through the Force. They can enslave a droid without conscious effort in maintaining the link unless implanting orders or commands.

Related Skills/Powers: Mechanics and Telepathy

Prerequisites: Discipline: Techweaver and Rank Tier: Equite (exact)

2015/08/09 / 2021/12/21
Mechu-deru I Granted Default Feat

As a Journeyman, The character can infuse sentience into common droids such as protocol, medical, and drone types and control them through a conscious connection in the Force. Once a droid has been enslaved, The character must actively maintain partial concentration for proper control.

Related Skills/Powers: Mechanics and Telepathy

Prerequisites: Discipline: Techweaver and Rank Tier: Journeyman (exact)

2015/08/09 / 2021/12/21
Hexing III Granted Default Feat

Due to The character’s understanding of both technology and the Force, they can use their Telekinesis to manipulate the circuitry of any kind of electronic tech just by looking at it, and with little effort of will. They can disable an entire network of computers. With concentration, they can even disable combat droids.

Related Skills/Powers: Telekinesis

Prerequisites: Discipline: Techweaver and Rank Tier: Elder

2015/08/09 / 2021/12/21
Dowsing III Granted Default Feat

There are few places one can hide from The character. All they need to track down an object or person is the faintest link back to their target, be it a fingernail, ripped clothing, or a drop of blood. As long as the object had contact with the target at any point in the past, The character can accurately track the target across a planet of any size, and do so with minimal concentration. These sympathetic links manifest as crystal clear mental images in The character’s mind. The stronger the link to the target, the easier and stronger this ability becomes.

Related Skills/Powers: Sense

Prerequisites: Discipline: Arcanist and Rank Tier: Elder

2015/08/09 / 2023/12/13
Dowsing II Granted Default Feat

Tracing links through bound objects or people in the Force, has become a second nature to The character. These sympathetic links manifest as semi-transparent mental images in The character’s mind. Using an item that has been in contact with the target within the last month, such as an old shirt, a bundle of hair, a vial of blood, The character can track a target across a continent. The stronger the link to the target, the easier this becomes. Concentration is required to use this ability.

Related Skills/Powers: Sense

Prerequisites: Discipline: Arcanist and Rank Tier: Equite (exact)

2015/08/09 / 2023/12/13
Dowsing I Granted Default Feat

All things are bound together through the Force, and an Arcanist can use those links to trace connections between two similar items, or an item and a person. These sympathetic links manifest as hazy mental images in The character’s mind. Using an item that has been in contact with the target over the last several hours, The character can track that target through a city and heavy crowds. The better the link between object and target, the stronger and easier this becomes. Full concentration is required to use this ability.

Related Skills/Powers: Sense

Prerequisites: Discipline: Arcanist and Rank Tier: Journeyman (exact)

2015/08/09 / 2023/12/13