Character Sheet Reference

Displaying feats 361 - 380 of 529 in total
Feat Type / Location Description Created / Updated
Epicanthix: Not Listening When You Say Granted Default Feat

The Epicanthix have a rare genetic resistance to mental intrusion from the Force. The character has higher Resolve against intrusions of the mind through the Force, such as Force Interrogation and Telepathy, but not against Mind Trick, Illusion, or Terror.

Prerequisites: Species: Epicanthix

2015/08/08 / 2021/12/16
Clawdite: Pragmatic Granted Default Feat

Clawdites are a solitary species who prefer isolation and shun the company of others unless it is to their benefit. The character holds pragmatic views of the galaxy, and is often mistrustful of others and suspicious of their motives. The stigma is not mutually exclusive, though: other species are untrusting of the shapeshifters.

Prerequisites: Species: Clawdite

2015/08/08 / 2021/12/16
Clawdite: Genetic Manipulation Granted Default Feat

Genetic manipulation has gifted the Clawdite species with the extremely rare ability to change their appearance. Mimicking the appearance of similarly-shaped species, The character can change the color and texture of their skin and eyes to appear nearly indistinguishable from the target species. However, the Clawdite’s shifting abilities cause great discomfort and, as a result, intense concentration is required to maintain the disguise.

Prerequisites: Species: Clawdite

2015/08/08 / 2021/12/16
Shi'ido: Who Am I? Granted Default Feat

Shi’ido, like most shapeshifters, are not trusted throughout the Galaxy. The character often has a difficult time assimilating with other species of the Galaxy when in their natural form. The reliance on assuming other sentient identities often leaves The character to question their own.

Prerequisites: Species: Shi'ido

2015/08/08 / 2021/12/16
Shi'ido: Humanoid Blend Granted Default Feat

When present among humanoids, The character can blend to match the outer racial characteristics of that species, such as skin color, eye color, and hair color. Extreme changes such as increases in height or extra appendages can be created out of their own body mass as well. These transformations requires full concentration and significant time to occur. The character needs to have a subject to mimic for the duration of the transformation.

Prerequisites: Species: Shi'ido

2015/08/08 / 2021/12/16
Draethos: Yabba Dabba Do Granted Default Feat

The Draethos as a society are slow to evolve and have a strong reliance on tradition. While this makes Draethos society stable as a whole, the concept of change is difficult for members of the Draethos species to grasp. As a result, The character has trouble with understanding changes in other societies.

Prerequisites: Species: Draethos

2015/08/08 / 2021/12/16
Khil: Hello Stranger Granted Default Feat

Khil are known for being dedicated, ambitious, and open to outsiders. This makes The character a natural diplomat and thus they are able to perform better in situations that require dealing with those of differing backgrounds.

Prerequisites: Species: Khil

2015/08/08 / 2021/12/16
Coynite: Lion's Mane Granted Default Feat

The character recognizes the importance of social status, which is reflected in the length of a Coynite’s mane. Respected and successful warriors are known to grow longer manes with increasingly intricate braids in Coynite culture, thus The character respects other species with long hair and shaggy coats. However, The character frowns on bald or hairless beings.

Prerequisites: Species: Coynite

2015/08/08 / 2021/12/16
Kaleesh: Rattlesnake Granted Default Feat

Due to their insular and war-like nature, Kaleesh often do not see eye to eye with the more peaceful species of the galaxy. This makes it more challenging for The character to conduct diplomatic relations and can lead to difficulty in social settings.

Prerequisites: Species: Kaleesh

2015/08/08 / 2021/12/16
Umbaran: Devil's Dance Granted Default Feat

The character, as an Umbaran, is naturally very secretive and manipulative, and finds it easier to use their Deception skill to deceive those around them when not under duress. However, due to this dishonest culture and The character’s darker sense of humor, they find it more difficult to relate to other people’s emotions and good intentions.

Related Skills/Powers: Deception

Prerequisites: Species: Umbaran

2015/08/08 / 2023/11/08
Zeltron: Turn Down For What? Granted Default Feat

A Zeltron’s second liver grants them a heightened metabolism. As a result, The character has a higher tolerance to consuming alcohol and digesting rich foods. While useful, this genetic ability also tends to push them towards hedonistically indulgent tendencies.

Prerequisites: Species: Zeltron

2015/08/08 / 2021/12/16
Ryn: Shady Palm Tree Granted Default Feat

Ryn have developed a reputation galaxy-wide as con artists and thieves. The character can fall victim to these stereotypes and therefore be turned away or shunned by other species without even saying a word.

Prerequisites: Species: Ryn

2015/08/08 / 2021/12/16
Togruta: Pack Mentality Granted Default Feat

Traditionally gathered into a “pack,” Togruta are expected to contribute to the group as a whole and thus find difficulty in fulfilling individual goals. Rather than risking the thought of being too individualistic, The character holds an aversion to isolation and is rendered almost incapable of making individual decisions.

Prerequisites: Species: Togruta

2015/08/08 / 2021/12/16
Gungan: A Pet In Need Granted Default Feat

Gungan society, particularly their military, makes heavy use of animals as mounts and beasts of burden. As a result, The character has a natural affinity for working with animals and they find it easier to employ suitable animals as mounts and beasts of burden.

Prerequisites: Species: Gungan

2015/08/08 / 2021/12/16
Gand: Chitin Mail Granted Default Feat

The character possesses a chitinous exoskeleton that will protect them from significant harm. While the exoskeleton remains intact, it is resistant to blunt and bladed weaponry, but will crack under repeated blows.

Prerequisites: Species: Gand

2015/08/08 / 2021/12/16
Bpfasshi: Rage Against The Jedi Machine Granted Default Feat

Feeding on the same mistrust and animosity Bpfasshi foster towards the Jedi Order, The character can channel his Rage Power without any concentration when engaging in combat with someone they believe is a practitioner of the Jedi Order.

Related Skills/Powers: Rage

Prerequisites: Species: Bpfasshi

2015/08/08 / 2021/12/16
Kel Dor: A World Of Absolutes Granted Default Feat

The Kel Dor society is one known for its hospitality, but also its simplistic approach to matters of justice. To The character, there is no middle ground on any moral issue, causing them to only see matters in black and white. Regardless of intent, only the resulting actions fall under the scope of judgement.

Prerequisites: Species: Kel Dor

2015/08/08 / 2021/12/16
Echani: Float Like A Butterfly Granted Default Feat

Echani combat is almost exclusively conducted with little or no armor and melee weaponry, and The character finds it easier to fight in these conditions. They will be hampered by wearing armor or using ranged weapons, making it more difficult to fight effectively when burdened or at a distance.

Prerequisites: Species: Echani

2015/08/08 / 2021/12/16
Kiffar: Facial Recognition Granted Default Feat

Kiffar facial markings are rather unique and noticeable. Unless they're covered in some way, The character can have a hard time concealing their identity in a crowd.

Prerequisites: Species: Kiffar

2015/08/08 / 2021/12/16
Zelosian: Pour Some Sugar On Me Granted Default Feat

As a Zelosian, The character bleeds chlorophyll sap instead of blood. As a result, they will be unaffected through the consumption of alcohol. Instead, sugar carries a similar effect that alcohol has on Humans.

Prerequisites: Species: Zelosian

2015/08/08 / 2021/12/16