Character Sheet Reference

Displaying feats 401 - 420 of 529 in total
Feat Type / Location Description Created / Updated
Verpine: Hive Mind Granted Default Feat

Verpine society is based on honesty and building consensus, and The character thus has great difficulty in situations that involve convincing people to do things via deception.

Prerequisites: Species: Verpine

2015/08/08 / 2021/12/16
Chiss: Wise Beyond Years Granted Default Feat

Members of the Chiss species mature at a faster rate in their society. Disciplined under a well-structured upbringing, The character recognizes the value of propriety and self-control better than most species. As a result of intense schooling, The character has a habit of simply knowing things about the galaxy and its occupants that others might have overlooked, and can adapt to new concepts outside of the norm at a quicker rate.

Prerequisites: Species: Chiss

2015/08/08 / 2021/12/16
Cathar: Temper Of A Lion Granted Default Feat

Cathar are recognized as a proud species bound to high moral values and principles. When observing acts that violate their values, The character can be quick to anger and let their temper take control of their actions.

Prerequisites: Species: Cathar

2015/08/08 / 2021/12/16
Bothan: Bad Reputation Granted Default Feat

The same traits that make Bothans excellent diplomats and spies also result in a rather untrustworthy image for members of the species. Placing their personal interests above all others, Bothans are known for adhering to the “Bothan Way” to the point of backstabbing and beguiling anyone to get what they desire. Despite The character’s best intentions, they are often accused of sharing this generalization and can be labeled as untrustworthy.

Prerequisites: Species: Bothan

2015/08/08 / 2021/12/16
Blood Carver: Ever The Critic Granted Default Feat

Although Blood Carvers are, as a culture, talented sculptors, compliments are considered to be something offworlders use, and are considered insulting to members of this species. As a result, The character is prone to taking offense when encountering an offworlder that is ignorant of their culture.

Prerequisites: Species: Blood Carver

2015/08/08 / 2021/12/16
Barabel: Unapologetic Granted Default Feat

A common occurrence among members of the Barabel species, the concept of apologies, whether for a misdeed or sympathetic reasons, is unknown to The character. Lacking this skill might reflect poorly on their personal image, especially when an apology is not given for a misdeed on their part.

Prerequisites: Species: Barabel

2015/08/08 / 2021/12/16
Anzati: Addictive Tendencies Granted Default Feat

While not all Anzati are addicted to feeding on other being’s ‘soup,’ the species as a whole has developed a tendency for being drawn to addictive substances. As a result, The character is more susceptible to persuasion or influence in a scenario that involves the potential for substance abuse or indulgence.

Prerequisites: Species: Anzati

2015/08/08 / 2024/06/04
Human: Eye Of The Tiger Granted Default Feat

As a Human, The character can conform to new environments with relative ease. Not possessing traits such as scales, gills or fur, The character is nonetheless adaptable to either cold or warm climates with minimal preparation. This makes most members of the Human species best-suited for the life of a colonist or traveler.

Prerequisites: Species: Human

2015/08/08 / 2021/12/16
Noghri: Nothing Goes Over my Head Granted Default Feat

As a clan-based society, humor is a foreign concept to the Noghri species. Even in their most relaxed state, the meaning of most jokes are lost on The character. Therefore, they will often misinterpret jokes as serious insults, commands or just plain nonsense.

Prerequisites: Species: Noghri

2015/08/08 / 2021/12/16
Draethos: As Far As I Can See Granted Default Feat

The character can see twice as far as humans in low-light conditions due to their cave dwelling ancestry.

Related Skills/Powers: Perception

Prerequisites: Species: Draethos

2015/02/28 / 2021/12/16
Khil: Musical Words Granted Default Feat

Due to vocalizing with their fleshy tendrils, Khil are natural musicians and bring an air of music to even the most basic of conversations. The character can utilize their melodic cadence with his Deception Skill in an attempt to mask their true intentions.

Related Skills/Powers: Deception

Prerequisites: Species: Khil

2015/02/22 / 2023/11/17
Coynite: En'Tra'Sol Granted Default Feat

Following an extraordinarily strict law system, The character is bound to the code of conduct known as En’Tra’Sol. This law forbids The character from showing signs of weakness, with cowardice being the prime example of weakness. When issued a challenge in single combat, The character is bound to accept it with their honor at stake if they refuses. Declining a challenge results in The character losing focus, having broken En’Tra’Sol.

Prerequisites: Species: Coynite

2014/10/31 / 2021/12/16
Kaleesh: Warm Reception Granted Default Feat

Thanks to the thermal pits under their eyes, The character can sense the infrared spectrum, allowing them to ‘see’ in the dark by observing and detecting changes in and the presence of heat.

Related Skills/Powers: Perception

Prerequisites: Species: Kaleesh

2014/07/22 / 2021/12/16
Quey'tek Meditation Chosen Force Feat

The character's ability with Concealment allows them to not only conceal their Force signature in some way, but to actually appear either as an adherent to the Dark or Light path, they wishes.

Related Skills/Powers: Concealment

Prerequisites: Rank: Journeyman 4 and Order Group: Force Sensitives

2014/01/25 / 2021/12/16
Puppet Master Chosen Force Feat

The character has developed their Mind Trick to a point where it is no longer simply used to trick the mind, but control it as well. If a sentient allows The character access, they are able to control that sentient directly, although this will leave The character defenseless for the duration of the control. The character may break this ability at any time, but may take no other actions or movements in their own body during this period. Their target may also voluntarily end this effect at any point, depending on their Resolve.

Related Skills/Powers: Mind Trick

Prerequisites: Order Group: Force Sensitives and Rank: Journeyman 4

2014/01/25 / 2021/12/16
Umbaran: Paint It Black Granted Default Feat

Like all Umbaran, The character can naturally see into the ultraviolet spectrum. This allows them to see much better in the dark, but causes them to be dazzled and disoriented by flashes of light, even from ordinary objects.

Prerequisites: Species: Umbaran

2014/01/18 / 2021/12/16
Sephi: Tinkerer Granted Default Feat

Sephi are known in the galaxy for their long life and their affinity with droids and machinery. The character has this same innate affinity when it comes to technology. As a result, they is able to more readily diagnose irregularities within droids others might miss when using their Mechanic skill.

Related Skills/Powers: Mechanics

Prerequisites: Species: Sephi

2014/01/18 / 2021/12/16
Kiffar: Psychometry Granted Default Feat

Kiffar have the ability to read inanimate objects and corpses to gain traces of information and memories of their recent past. The character also shares this talent, and can use it to find hidden clues that wouldn't otherwise be obtainable.

Prerequisites: Species: Kiffar

2014/01/09 / 2021/12/16
Zeltron: Sun's Getting Real Low Granted Default Feat

The galaxy has concluded that on some level Zeltrons use a form of pheromones to make themselves more likable and calm those around them. While they have no control over this effect, it allows The character to more easily interact with others. As a result, they are better at defusing situations either through Charm or Intimidation.

Related Skills/Powers: Charm and Intimidation

Prerequisites: Species: Zeltron

2014/01/09 / 2023/11/10
Verpine: Debugger Granted Default Feat

Verpine are known throughout the galaxy as skilled technicians. The character is capable of performing technological tasks more efficiently under pressure.

Prerequisites: Species: Verpine

2013/12/29 / 2021/12/16