Feat | Type / Location | Description | Created / Updated |
Order Feat: Sith | Granted Default Feat |
The character follows the ways of the Sith Order. The Sith are Force users that seek power and are willing to do anything to achieve their goals. The Sith are solely dedicated to the dark side, which they see as the ultimate tool with which to succeed. They embrace ancient teachings that promote power and pleasure above all else, which they use to bring power and prestige for themselves across the Brotherhood. Prerequisites: Order Group: Siths |
2015/08/31 / 2021/12/16 |
Eyes Wide Shut | Chosen Force Feat |
The character has lost the use of physical sight and learned instead how to see through the Force, much like the Miraluka. This allows them to live and exist seamlessly with the other sentient beings of the galaxy without stumbling into obstacles blindly. The character is still blind in the conventional sense and cannot read written text or discern intricate details like patterns or symbols. They are still affected by ocular and mental Force Powers the same way any other sentient being is. Related Skills/Powers: Sense Prerequisites: Rank: Equite 4 and Order Group: Force Sensitives |
2015/09/12 / 2021/12/16 |
Eagle Eye | Chosen Skill Feat |
The character has been trained to keep an eye on a target even in a crowd. The character can use their Stealth Skill in place of their Perception Skill in order to follow a mark from a safe distance without being detected. Related Skills/Powers: Perception and Stealth Prerequisites: Society Rank: INQ: IV: Apprentice Inquisitor |
2015/09/24 / 2023/11/08 |
Crooked Smile | Chosen Skill Feat |
The character has received specialized training in using their Charm as a means of lulling a target into a false sense of security that can be capitalized on at the opportune moment. The character can earn a target's trust without the need of manipulation or mind tricks, focusing solely on their ability to connect on an emotional level. Related Skills/Powers: Charm Prerequisites: Society Rank: INQ: VIII: Inquisitor |
2015/09/24 / 2023/11/08 |
Won't Attract The Worm | Chosen Skill Feat |
The character has learned how to move silently as a shadow even when wearing medium to heavy armor that would otherwise be a dead giveaway to any attempt at stealth. They are able to balance their weight in just the right manner to mask and conceal clinking or creaking of plate or reinforced hide. Related Skills/Powers: Athletics Prerequisites: Society Rank: INQ: X: Chief Inquisitor |
2015/09/24 / 2021/12/16 |
Steel Curtain | Granted Default Feat |
The character has received specialized training from the Grand Master and has gained the ability to steel their mind against any attempt to pry information about the Brotherhood and its secrets. While this bonus to The character's Resolve makes them better able to handle Interrogation, the training becomes more evident in its ability to indefinitely prevent The character from divulging Brotherhood secrets. Related Skills/Powers: Resolve Prerequisites: Society Rank: INQ: XII: Grand Inquisitor |
2015/09/24 / 2021/12/16 |
Trakata | Chosen Force Feat |
The character has mastered the ability to incorporate the principles of Trakata into their Lightsaber Form. This involves the subtle nuances of activating and deactivating their lightsaber blade in the heart of combat at key tactical moments. Usually dismissed by saberist as a gimmick, a true Trakata user knows how to compensate for the split-seconds of vulnerability that the risky technique carries with skill and precision. Related Skills/Powers: Lightsaber Prerequisites: Rank: Equite 4 |
2015/10/07 / 2021/12/16 |
Dun Moch | Chosen Force Feat |
The character has learned to incorporate the principles of Dun Moch into their Lightsaber Forms. By actively seeking to completely dominate their opponent’s will to fight with aggressive displays of power and flare, The character weaves taunts like fuel for the fire, and is not beyond using the Force in fits of showmanship. The character will then gamble on the openings created in hopes of the opponent's guard slipping. Related Skills/Powers: Lightsaber Prerequisites: Rank: Equite 2 |
2015/10/07 / 2021/12/16 |
Bounce It | Chosen Force Feat |
The character has developed a talent for being able to redirect Force Lightning dispersed with Barrier. This ability involves bouncing the attack back at the original sender, or even at another target all together while also strengthening the potency of the attack. Related Skills/Powers: Barrier and Force Lightning Prerequisites: Order Group: Force Sensitives and Rank: Equite 3 |
2015/11/12 / 2021/12/16 |
Jar'Kai | Chosen Skill Feat |
The character is adept with Jar'Kai, an ancient martial arts technique that roughly translates to “two swords as one". The character is able to use their Martial Arts Skill in place of their Dual Wielding Skill level so long as they are wielding either two one-handed Bladed Weapons or two one-handed Lightsabers. Related Skills/Powers: Dual Wielding and Martial Arts Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Journeyman |
2016/05/21 / 2024/05/27 |
Drunken Master | Chosen Skill Feat |
The martial arts form known drunken boxing is a rare and refined technique that allows The character to fight while appearing to be under the influence of mind altering afflictions such as intoxication, alchemy, and either herbal or conventional poison. The character may replace their Martial Arts Skill with their Deception Skill for the purposes of appearing sloppy for the purposes of luring their opponent into a false sense of security. Related Skills/Powers: Deception and Martial Arts Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Journeyman |
2016/05/21 / 2023/11/08 |
Sleeping Rancor | Chosen Skill Feat |
The martial techniques of the secret style of Hij'kata are designed to subdue an opponent peacefully and with minimal harm. So long as they are aiming to disable their opponent without striking or otherwise directly harming them, The character gets a +1 Skill Point bonus to Martial Arts (to a maximum of +5). Related Skills/Powers: Martial Arts Prerequisites: Rank: Journeyman 2 |
2016/05/21 / 2023/08/10 |
Shockboxing | Chosen Skill Feat |
Shockboxing is a cage fighting technique that focuses on the eponymous "shock gloves" worn over the hands. Most shock boxers come from another fighting background but train with these gloves on. While The character is wearing shock gloves or any other knuckle or glove-type weapon, they gets a +1 Skill Point bonus to their Martial Arts (to a maximum of +5). Related Skills/Powers: Martial Arts and Miscellaneous Weapons Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Journeyman |
2016/05/21 / 2023/08/10 |
Petranaki | Chosen Skill Feat |
The gladiator's art of Petranaki was developed in the arenas of Geonosis where fighters in the beast pits learned to adapt to whatever they could find to survive. When an improvised weapon is required to fight an enemy—such as using a broken bar stool leg as a club—The character can substitute the relevant Weapon Skill with their Martial Arts Skill. Related Skills/Powers: Martial Arts Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Journeyman |
2016/05/21 / 2023/08/10 |
On The Trail I | Granted Default Feat |
When tracking or on the trail of a quarry The character will pick up on clues to a target's whereabouts or direction that others might miss. This awareness triggers rarely and unreliably, but functions without having to rely on The character’s Investigation or Perception Skills. Related Skills/Powers: Investigation and Perception Prerequisites: Discipline: Hunter and Rank Tier: Journeyman (exact) |
2016/08/02 / 2021/12/21 |
Intergalactic I | Granted Default Feat |
The character has traveled around the Galaxy, picking up on the various tongues used by its wide range of species, including droids. The character can understand (but not speak) the basics of alien and droid dialects without the need of Linguistics Skill Points. Related Skills/Powers: Linguistics Prerequisites: (Discipline: Scoundrel and Rank Tier: Journeyman (exact)) or (Discipline: Legendary Mandalorian and Rank Tier: Journeyman (exact)) or (Discipline: Orator and Rank Tier: Journeyman (exact)) |
2016/08/02 / 2021/12/21 |
On The Trail II | Granted Default Feat |
When tracking or on the trail of a quarry, The character will pick up on clues to a target's whereabouts or direction that others would miss. This awareness triggers more consistently and without having to rely on their Investigation or Perception Skills. Related Skills/Powers: Investigation and Perception Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Equite (exact) and Discipline: Hunter |
2016/08/02 / 2021/12/21 |
Intergalactic II | Granted Default Feat |
The character has been around the Galaxy more than a few times, picking up on the trade languages used by different species and droids. They can understand most of (but not speak) alien and droid dialects without the need of Linguistics Skill Points. The character’s journeying and interaction with both legitimate and illegitimate Smugglers and Bounty Hunters grants them an additional Lore topic in dealing with Underworld contacts. Related Skills/Powers: Linguistics Prerequisites: (Rank Tier: Equite (exact) and Discipline: Scoundrel) or (Rank Tier: Equite (exact) and Discipline: Legendary Mandalorian) or (Rank Tier: Equite (exact) and Discipline: Orator) |
2016/08/02 / 2021/12/21 |
Intergalactic III | Granted Default Feat |
The character has seen it all and has lived to tell the tale. They can understand (but not speak) any alien or droid dialect, with ease and without the need of a respective or additional Linguistics Skill Point. The character maintains a network of Underworld contacts, and is a seasoned veteran of the smuggler trade routes and business ventures in the Galaxy. Related Skills/Powers: Linguistics Prerequisites: (Rank Tier: Elder and Discipline: Scoundrel) or (Rank Tier: Elder and Discipline: Legendary Mandalorian) or (Rank Tier: Elder and Discipline: Orator) |
2016/08/02 / 2023/10/31 |
Fly Casual I | Granted Default Feat |
The character has always had a knack for wheeling and dealing, ranging from small time cons to larger gambits. They gain a +1 Skill Point bonus to their Deception Skill when making or setting up a deal between parties by bluffing, selling, buying, or improvising (to a maximum of +4). The character can struggle when dealing with unfamiliar species, cultures, or gangs, or unseen variables that make a deal go south quickly. Related Skills/Powers: Deception Prerequisites: (Discipline: Scoundrel and Rank Tier: Journeyman (exact)) or (Discipline: Fence and Rank Tier: Journeyman (exact)) |
2016/08/02 / 2023/11/17 |