Character Sheet Reference

Displaying feats 341 - 360 of 413 in total
Feat Type / Location Description Created / Updated
Deep Bond I Chosen Force Feat

The character has formed a lasting bond with a single Domesticated creature through the Force. This allows The character easier command and communication without the need to maintain concentration when controlling a bonded creature with Creature Control. (Bonded creature must be cited in Loadout Description)

Related Skills/Powers: Creature Control

Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Journeyman (exact) and Order Group: Force Sensitives

2013/08/17 / 2021/12/16
Debilitating Fear Chosen Force Feat

The character can use Terror and fear alone to temporarily induce a sense of paralysis to weaker minds, or instill a simple hesitation or pause in stronger minds.

Related Skills/Powers: Terror

Prerequisites: Order Group: Force Sensitives and Rank: Journeyman 4

2015/08/09 / 2021/12/16
Darksight Chosen Force Feat

The character has spent so long in the darkness that they knows its varying levels, and just how deep it can be. When they uses Darkness, they can still navigate the darkness without suffering a penalty.

Related Skills/Powers: Darkness

Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Novitiate and Order Group: Force Sensitives

2013/08/17 / 2024/01/30
Daredevil Chosen Skill Feat

Even when blinded or with their vision impaired, The character is able to rely on their remaining senses and reflexes to defend against direct, incoming attacks from varying angles. The character can maintain this feat for as long as needed, but remains limited strictly to defensive reactions to incoming attacks, and cannot make any offensive strikes of their own.

Related Skills/Powers: Perception

Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Equite

2015/08/09 / 2021/12/16
Dampen II Chosen Force Feat

Rather than focusing on an individual, The character has learned to project the effects of Suppression over a larger area of effect, lowering the effectiveness of Force usage from any that step into The character’s sphere of awareness.

Related Skills/Powers: Suppression

Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Elder and Order Group: Force Sensitives

2021/12/16 / 2025/02/23
Dampen I Chosen Force Feat

Rather than focusing on an individual, The character has learned to project the effects of Suppression over a small area of effect, lowering the effectiveness of Force usage from any that step into The character’s sphere of awareness.

Related Skills/Powers: Suppression

Prerequisites: Order Group: Force Sensitives and Rank Tier: Equite (exact)

2015/08/09 / 2021/12/16
Crystal Ascendant: Unstoppable Force Granted Default Feat

Crystal Ascendants have an unnatural conduit to the Force, the crystals that grow in their very body. The conduit leaves an open unending supply of Force energy for them to utilize. As such they never exhaust their Force capabilities.

Related Skills/Powers: Stamina

Prerequisites: Species: Crystal Ascendant

2021/05/24 / 2021/12/16
Crystal Ascendant: Can't Touch This Granted Default Feat

Crystal Ascendants are glass canons. The crystalline growths on their body, while providing great Force capabilities, leave them very susceptible to various physical combat. To counter this, they constantly utilize Amplification to boost their speed and movements.

Related Skills/Powers: Amplification and Athletics

Prerequisites: Species: Crystal Ascendant

2021/05/24 / 2021/12/16
Cry No More Chosen Skill Feat

The character has an innate ability to understand how individuals react in different situations. When attempting to elicit an emotional response, The character may replace their Deception Skill with their Charm Skill.

Related Skills/Powers: Charm and Deception

Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Novitiate

2013/08/17 / 2023/11/08
Crooked Smile Chosen Skill Feat

The character has received specialized training in using their Charm as a means of lulling a target into a false sense of security that can be capitalized on at the opportune moment. The character can earn a target's trust without the need of manipulation or mind tricks, focusing solely on their ability to connect on an emotional level.

Related Skills/Powers: Charm

Prerequisites: Society Rank: INQ: VIII: Inquisitor

2015/09/24 / 2023/11/08
Creature Speaker III Granted Default Feat

A master of wildlife, The character knows how to handle the creatures that call the wilderness home. The character gains a +2 Skill Point bonus to Survival Skill when they are out and interacting with wild creatures (up to a maximum of +5) and may use it in place of their Creature Handling Skill.

Related Skills/Powers: Creature Handling and Survival

Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Elder and Discipline: Locked Discipline

2024/09/25 / 2024/09/25
Creature Speaker II Granted Default Feat

The character is well-trained in handling harsh environments, and the creatures that call them home. The character gains a +1 Skill Point bonus to Survival Skill when they are out and interacting with wild creatures (up to a maximum of +5) and may use it in place of their Creature Handling Skill.

Related Skills/Powers: Creature Handling and Survival

Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Equite (exact) and Discipline: Locked Discipline

2024/09/25 / 2024/09/25
Creature Speaker I Granted Default Feat

The character is no stranger to harsh environments and the creatures that call them home. The character gains a +1 Skill Point bonus to Survival Skill when they are out and interacting with wild creatures (up to a maximum of +4).

Related Skills/Powers: Creature Handling and Survival

Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Journeyman (exact) and Discipline: Locked Discipline

2024/09/25 / 2024/09/25
Creature Affinity II Chosen Skill Feat

The character has a seemingly natural and easier time controlling and/or connecting with two categories of creatures, such as reptile, mammals, amphibian, or avian without the use of the Force. (The creature categories must be cited in Loadout Description)

Related Skills/Powers: Creature Handling

Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Equite

2021/12/16 / 2021/12/16
Creature Affinity I Chosen Skill Feat

The character has a seemingly natural and easier time controlling and/or connecting with one category of creature, such as reptile, mammals, amphibian, or avian without the use of the Force. (The creature category must be cited in Loadout Description)

Related Skills/Powers: Creature Handling

Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Journeyman (exact)

2015/08/09 / 2021/12/16
Constant Vigilance Chosen Skill Feat

The character is keenly aware of their surroundings and identifying potential threats. While attempting to identify someone sneaking up on them, The character gets a +1 Skill Point bonus to their Perception Skill (to a maximum of +5).

Related Skills/Powers: Perception

Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Novitiate

2021/12/16 / 2021/12/16
Classic Misdirection Chosen Skill Feat

The character spends a great deal of time observing those under their command. They are capable of motivating those under their command with just the right word or phrase based on their observations as opposed to simply being charismatic. The character can use their Deception Skill in place of their Leadership Skill.

Related Skills/Powers: Deception and Leadership

Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Equite

2013/08/17 / 2023/11/08
Clairvoyance III Granted Default Feat

The character’s connection to the Living Force makes them aware of the branching futures before them. With little to no concentration, even in combat, they open their awareness to this ability and perceive the visions as images and sounds overlaying their natural sight. Both sides of time are revealed to them and understanding of the branching timelines comes rapidly and easily. At this level, the mental strain of perceiving these diverging paths is negligible.

Related Skills/Powers: Farsight

Prerequisites: (Rank Tier: Elder and Discipline: Locked Discipline) or (Rank Tier: Elder and Discipline: Oracle) or (Rank Tier: Elder and Discipline: Librarian)

2024/09/29 / 2024/09/29
Clairvoyance II Granted Default Feat

The character’s connection to the Living Force makes them aware of the branching futures before them. With significant concentration, they can open their awareness to this ability and perceive the visions as images and sounds overlaying their natural sight. Information comes more rapidly at this level, and the fatigue The character experiences with extended use is diminished.

Related Skills/Powers: Farsight

Prerequisites: (Rank Tier: Equite (exact) and Discipline: Locked Discipline) or (Rank Tier: Equite (exact) and Discipline: Oracle) or (Rank Tier: Equite (exact) and Discipline: Librarian)

2024/09/29 / 2024/09/29
Clairvoyance I Granted Default Feat

The character’s connection to the Living Force makes them aware of the branching futures before them. Requiring full concentration, they can open their awareness to this ability and perceive the visions as images and sounds overlaying their natural sight. The longer concentration is maintained, the more information is gleaned, but at this level, The character experiences significant mental fatigue with extended use.

Related Skills/Powers: Farsight

Prerequisites: (Rank Tier: Journeyman (exact) and Discipline: Locked Discipline) or (Rank Tier: Journeyman (exact) and Discipline: Oracle) or (Rank Tier: Journeyman (exact) and Discipline: Librarian)

2024/09/29 / 2024/09/29