Character Sheet Reference

Displaying feats 361 - 380 of 413 in total
Feat Type / Location Description Created / Updated
Checkmate III Granted Default Feat

The character has become adept at thinking through scenarios of any kind when matching wits against an opposing leader’s strategies. This grants The character a +2 Skill Point bonus to Intellect whenever they formulate a plan or strategy against any adversary, familiar or alien (to a maximum of +5).

Related Skills/Powers: Intellect

Prerequisites: (Rank Tier: Elder and Discipline: Director) or (Rank Tier: Elder and Discipline: The Doctor) or (Rank Tier: Elder and Discipline: Fence) or (Rank Tier: Elder and Discipline: Keen Intellectual)

2016/08/02 / 2021/12/21
Checkmate II Granted Default Feat

The character has become clever at thinking through more complex scenarios when matching wits against an opposing leader’s strategies. This grants them a +2 Skill Point bonus to Intellect when formulating a plan or strategy against a previously encountered adversary, but only a +1 Skill Point bonus against an unfamiliar one (to a maximum of +5).

Related Skills/Powers: Intellect

Prerequisites: (Rank Tier: Equite (exact) and Discipline: Director) or (Rank Tier: Equite (exact) and Discipline: The Doctor) or (Rank Tier: Equite (exact) and Discipline: Fence) or (Rank Tier: Equite (exact) and Discipline: Keen Intellectual)

2016/08/02 / 2021/12/21
Checkmate I Granted Default Feat

The character has a knack for thinking outside the box when matching wits against an opposing leader’s strategies. This grants them a +1 Skill Point bonus to Intellect when formulating a plan or strategy against a previously encountered adversary (to a maximum of +4).

Related Skills/Powers: Intellect

Prerequisites: (Rank Tier: Journeyman (exact) and Discipline: Director) or (Rank Tier: Journeyman (exact) and Discipline: The Doctor) or (Rank Tier: Journeyman (exact) and Discipline: Fence) or (Rank Tier: Journeyman (exact) and Discipline: Keen Intellectual)

2016/08/02 / 2021/12/21
Channel III Granted Default Feat

Leveraging a deep connection with the Force, The character can draw energy from the Living Force around them and fuse it with their own. With this new energy, The character can revitalize their own reserves from the brink of exhaustion almost instantaneously and with only a few seconds of concentration, even in the middle of combat.

Related Skills/Powers: Resolve

Prerequisites: (Discipline: Arcanist and Rank Tier: Elder) or (Rank Tier: Elder and Discipline: Soul Arcanist) or (Rank Tier: Elder and Discipline: Night Mother) or (Rank Tier: Elder and Discipline: Force Lord) or (Rank Tier: Elder and Discipline: Deathsworn) or (Rank Tier: Elder and Discipline: Oracle) or (Rank Tier: Elder and Discipline: Librarian) or (Rank Tier: Elder and Discipline: Force Warrior) or (Rank Tier: Elder and Discipline: Rex Tempestas) or (Rank Tier: Elder and Discipline: Sith Fleshweaver) or (Rank Tier: Elder and Discipline: Force Sage) or (Rank Tier: Elder and Discipline: Immortal) or (Rank Tier: Elder and Discipline: Concordant)

2013/08/10 / 2021/12/21
Channel II Granted Default Feat

The character can effortlessly pull energy from the Living Force to refill their own energy reserves. The character can do this in between combat skirmishes, but still requires a moment or two to restore themself.

Related Skills/Powers: Resolve

Prerequisites: (Discipline: Arcanist and Rank Tier: Equite (exact)) or (Discipline: Soul Arcanist and Rank Tier: Equite (exact)) or (Discipline: Night Mother and Rank Tier: Equite (exact)) or (Rank Tier: Equite (exact) and Discipline: Force Lord) or (Rank Tier: Equite (exact) and Discipline: Deathsworn) or (Rank Tier: Equite (exact) and Discipline: Oracle) or (Rank Tier: Equite (exact) and Discipline: Librarian) or (Rank Tier: Equite (exact) and Discipline: Force Warrior) or (Rank Tier: Equite (exact) and Discipline: Rex Tempestas) or (Rank Tier: Equite (exact) and Discipline: Sith Fleshweaver) or (Rank Tier: Equite (exact) and Discipline: Force Sage) or (Rank Tier: Equite (exact) and Discipline: Immortal) or (Rank Tier: Equite (exact) and Discipline: Concordant)

2013/08/10 / 2021/12/21
Channel I Granted Default Feat

Journeymen Arcanists are able to center themselves in the emotional grounding of their connection to the Force, pulling energy from the Living Force to temporarily refill their own energy reserves. If The character is allowed to maintain this concentration for more than a few moments, they can reuse Force Powers which normally require significant rest without penalty.

Related Skills/Powers: Resolve

Prerequisites: (Rank Tier: Journeyman (exact) and Discipline: Arcanist) or (Rank Tier: Journeyman (exact) and Discipline: Soul Arcanist) or (Discipline: Night Mother and Rank Tier: Journeyman (exact)) or (Rank Tier: Journeyman (exact) and Discipline: Force Lord) or (Rank Tier: Journeyman (exact) and Discipline: Deathsworn) or (Rank Tier: Journeyman (exact) and Discipline: Oracle) or (Rank Tier: Journeyman (exact) and Discipline: Librarian) or (Rank Tier: Journeyman (exact) and Discipline: Force Warrior) or (Rank Tier: Journeyman (exact) and Discipline: Rex Tempestas) or (Rank Tier: Journeyman (exact) and Discipline: Sith Fleshweaver) or (Rank Tier: Journeyman (exact) and Discipline: Force Sage) or (Rank Tier: Journeyman (exact) and Discipline: Immortal) or (Rank Tier: Journeyman (exact) and Discipline: Concordant)

2013/08/10 / 2021/12/21
Chameleon III Granted Default Feat

A wizened Infiltrator is only detected when they choose to be. The character has learned to seamlessly become one with their surroundings, and gets a +2 Skill point bonus to their Stealth Skill when blending into a crowd or environment when prepared, or a +1 Skill Point bonus when forced to improvise (to a maximum of +5).

Related Skills/Powers: Stealth

Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Elder and Discipline: Infiltrator

2016/08/02 / 2023/11/18
Chameleon II Granted Default Feat

The character has learned to be more subtle when becoming one with their environment. They can change the way they walk and talk while making use of wardrobe, lighting, and demeanor. The character gets a +1 Skill Point bonus to their Stealth Skill when blending into a crowd or environment, even when not prepared or ready for a mission (to a maximum of +5).

Related Skills/Powers: Stealth

Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Equite (exact) and Discipline: Infiltrator

2016/08/02 / 2023/11/18
Chameleon I Granted Default Feat

Benches, shops, alleyways, dumpsters and even cardboard boxes are not just garbage or distractions, but a means of concealment. The character has learned to become one with their surroundings, and gets a +1 Skill bonus to their Stealth Skill when blending into a crowd or environment, provided they are prepared and ready for the task at hand (to a maximum of +4).

Related Skills/Powers: Stealth

Prerequisites: Discipline: Infiltrator and Rank Tier: Journeyman (exact)

2016/08/02 / 2023/11/18
Celestial Navigation Chosen Skill Feat

The character has a deep knowledge of the cosmos, and can use the stars to orient themselves while planetside. The character can use their Astrogation Skill to use the stars to guide their way, so long as the skies are clear and the stars are visible.

Related Skills/Powers: Astrogation

Prerequisites: Rank: Journeyman 4

2021/12/16 / 2021/12/16
Cardboard Box Chosen Skill Feat

The character has studied the usage of every day items to better hide themselves from sight, ranging from cardboard boxes to trash cans and beyond. The character gets a +1 Skill Point boost to their Stealth Skill (to a maximum of +5) when utilizing common items to hide.

Related Skills/Powers: Stealth

Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Journeyman

2023/11/08 / 2023/11/08
Capital Commander III Granted Default Feat

Not only is The character a master at the helm of a capital ship, but their crew also operates with increased efficiency. When in command of anything larger than a frigate, The character gains a +2 Skill Point increase to their Operations Skill, and all crew members on board gain +1 (up to a maximum of +5).

Related Skills/Powers: Operations

Prerequisites: (Rank Tier: Elder and Discipline: Locked Discipline) or (Rank Tier: Elder and Discipline: Aviator)

2024/09/25 / 2024/09/25
Capital Commander II Granted Default Feat

The character is well-trained at the helm of a large capital ship. When in command of anything larger than a frigate, The character gains a +1 Skill Point increase to their Operations Skill (up to a maximum of +5).

Related Skills/Powers: Operations

Prerequisites: (Rank Tier: Equite (exact) and Discipline: Locked Discipline) or (Rank Tier: Equite (exact) and Discipline: Aviator)

2024/09/25 / 2024/09/25
Capital Commander I Granted Default Feat

The character is proficient at the helm of a large capital ship. When in command of anything larger than a frigate, The character gains a +1 Skill Point increase to their Operations Skill (up to a maximum of +4).

Related Skills/Powers: Operations

Prerequisites: (Rank Tier: Journeyman (exact) and Discipline: Locked Discipline) or (Rank Tier: Journeyman (exact) and Discipline: Aviator)

2024/09/25 / 2024/09/25
Buttons are Buttons Chosen Skill Feat

As unique as different ship manufacturers try to make their vessels, at the end of the day, a shield system is a shield system, life support is life support. The character is capable of using their Operations Skill in place of their Deception Skill when attempting to blend in on an enemy ship.

Related Skills/Powers: Deception and Operations

Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Journeyman

2021/12/16 / 2023/11/08
Built Bridges Chosen Skill Feat

Preferring to build bridges instead of burning them, The character has become well known for their diplomatic efforts. While addressing individuals from different groups than their own, they can use their Charm Skill in place of their Leadership Skill.

Related Skills/Powers: Charm and Leadership

Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Journeyman

2021/12/16 / 2023/11/08
Bounce It Chosen Force Feat

The character has developed a talent for being able to redirect Force Lightning dispersed with Barrier. This ability involves bouncing the attack back at the original sender, or even at another target all together while also strengthening the potency of the attack.

Related Skills/Powers: Barrier and Force Lightning

Prerequisites: Order Group: Force Sensitives and Rank: Equite 3

2015/11/12 / 2021/12/16
Blunted Steel Chosen Skill Feat

The character has learned the ancient technique of using their bladed weapon as a blunt instrument by holding it the blade and using the hilt to bludgeon an opponent. The character can use their Bladed Weapon Skill in place of their Blunt Weapon Skill when attempting to hit their opponent with the hilt of their blade.

Related Skills/Powers: Bladed Weapons and Blunt Weapons

Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Novitiate

2021/12/16 / 2021/12/16
Blood Carver: Sculptor Granted Default Feat

Blood Carvers have a talent for carving statues from the blood red trees of their homeworld. While The character has the innate skill used to carve statues from trees in this manner, they tends to bring an added level of detail and perfectionism to anything they creates using their Crafting skill.

Related Skills/Powers: Crafting

Prerequisites: Species: Blood Carver

2013/08/13 / 2021/12/16
Blood Carver: Ever The Critic Granted Default Feat

Although Blood Carvers are, as a culture, talented sculptors, compliments are considered to be something offworlders use, and are considered insulting to members of this species. As a result, The character is prone to taking offense when encountering an offworlder that is ignorant of their culture.

Prerequisites: Species: Blood Carver

2015/08/08 / 2021/12/16