Character Sheet Reference

Displaying feats 521 - 529 of 529 in total
Feat Type / Location Description Created / Updated
Order Feat: Loyalist Granted Default Feat

The character is counted among the Loyalist Order. Those that wish to serve the Brotherhood, but lack no ability with the Force, are called to serve in the Brotherhood’s armed forces. Whether they serve the Iron Throne or the military of their Clan, members of the Loyalist Order make up a variety of callings, from pilot to soldier to mechanic. Despite their lack of Force sensitivity, Loyalists receive considerable training in combating Force-users; as such, they are well versed in identifying Force-based attacks, and conditioned to not balk in the face of a Jedi or Sith’s powers.

Prerequisites: Order Group: Loyalists

2015/08/31 / 2021/12/16
Order Feat: Force Disciple Granted Default Feat

The character is a Force Disciple. Force Disciples do not ascribe to the rigid teachings of the Jedi Order or the Sith, either because they were never exposed to them prior to the Brotherhood, or simply because they do not always see eye to eye with them. Force Disciples are not united by any binding doctrine or philosophy, though some Force Disciples might lean more predominantly to the light or the dark sides of the Force.

Prerequisites: Order Group: Force Disciples

2015/08/31 / 2021/12/16
Order Feat: Jedi Granted Default Feat

The character follows the ways of the Jedi Order. The Jedi are Force users that seek peace and tranquillity in the galaxy. They subscribe to a rigid philosophy that askew passion and emotion, instead emphasizing peace and harmony. Jedi respect all life and strive to defend and protect those in need. Jedi rely on the light side and avoid the dark side and the threat its power poses.

Prerequisites: Order Group: Jedis

2015/08/31 / 2021/12/16
Order Feat: Sith Granted Default Feat

The character follows the ways of the Sith Order. The Sith are Force users that seek power and are willing to do anything to achieve their goals. The Sith are solely dedicated to the dark side, which they see as the ultimate tool with which to succeed. They embrace ancient teachings that promote power and pleasure above all else, which they use to bring power and prestige for themselves across the Brotherhood.

Prerequisites: Order Group: Siths

2015/08/31 / 2021/12/16
Zealot Granted Default Feat [Redacted] 2017/09/28 / 2021/12/16
Technocrat Granted Default Feat [Redacted] 2017/09/28 / 2021/12/16
Force Wielder Awareness Granted Default Feat [Redacted] 2017/09/28 / 2021/12/16
Diamond Cutter Granted Default Feat [Redacted] 2017/09/28 / 2021/12/16
Steel Curtain Granted Default Feat

The character has received specialized training from the Grand Master and has gained the ability to steel their mind against any attempt to pry information about the Brotherhood and its secrets. While this bonus to The character's Resolve makes them better able to handle Interrogation, the training becomes more evident in its ability to indefinitely prevent The character from divulging Brotherhood secrets.

Related Skills/Powers: Resolve

Prerequisites: Society Rank: INQ: XII: Grand Inquisitor

2015/09/24 / 2021/12/16