High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore, Reaper

Equite 4, Clan Vizsla, Force Disciple, Dark Jedi
Total Fiction Activities
Regular Fiction
34446 words in 44 activities
4819 words in 9 posts and 5 activities
39350 words in 29 activities
Displaying fiction activity reports 71 - 80 of 84 in total
[Celebration: Mandalorians] Become The Hunter
Textual submission

Major Hector Ricmore
Clan Vizsla
Coruscant Space

CVS Centurion, a Star Courier class vessel, dropped out of hyperspace and began moving towards Coruscant. The ship entered the Coruscant atmosphere without incident, the contacts Clan Vizsla possessed within numerous bounty guilds having paid the planetary tax in advance and notifying CorSec when the ship would be arriving.

Hector Ricmore guided the ship through the atmosphere, maneuvering the vessel towards his designated landing pad. Neon lights blared from the immensely massive buildings which filled the skyline.

The Zygerian frowned puzzledly; he was not sure what to think about Coruscant. Having been raised on a series of ships with a migrant fleet Hector has always preferred living aboard a spaceship. He had found a wide variety of vegetation and wildlife found on planets to be a bit off settling at times, and even downright creepy on some planets. Coruscant was not like most of these planets. The planet has experienced centuries of construction, with one absolutely breathtaking city covering the majority of the planet. This city is split into a nearly unfathomable amount of levels, the most opulent denizens on the upper levels, and the more shadier individuals inhabiting the lower floors.

Hector landed the ship smoothly at his designated landing zone. Turning off the engine he let the ship appear to be abandoned while he headed towards the Electronic Warfare Suite. To allow for more covert operations this series of illegal communications monitoring and slicing equipment has been hooked up to Hector’s Fusion Furnace, a portable generator that provides a respectable amount of power in the field. Booting up the equipment Hector began the process of slicing into CorSec comm channels. For such a widespread security force their communication systems were not heavily encrypted. After less than 30 minutes of effort Hector had managed to breach the encryption without alerting CorSec to his presence.

“It truly is a disappointment to see what CorSec has to offer. I was looking forward to recording them as a worthy adversary, something that could help polish my own tales. I suppose that I am expecting too much; Coruscant has never recovered from centuries of Corruption and 2 violent regime changes.”

Despite his laments Hector knew better than to antagonize CorSec; He prided himself as the greatest Zygerrian pilot to ever live and a competitor for the greatest pilot in the Unknown regions. The Collective have taught him all too well the dangers of numbers, and if he drew CorSec’s attention, Hector would need to leave immediately if he wanted a chance at survival.

A smile stretched across his face as he found what he had sliced into CorSec for, the location of Collective Information Broker Manu Maurfai. The Twi’lek had built a reputation as a skilled slicer, capable of accessing information the public could only dream of knowing. Thankfully it was not Maurfai’s security that Hector had to overcome, but the corrupt and weakened CorSec that his men had no doubt paid off.

Powering off the systems, Hector grabbed his blaster sniper rifle and left his ship, walking towards the landspeeder that had been left on the platform, courtesy of Clan Vizsla’s contacts. He spent a few minutes to ensure that no sabotage had occurred; a newly formed habit after a sabotaged hyperdrive had led Hector into a bounty hunter ambush. Satisfied with the condition of the speeder Hector boarded and began flying to the lower levels of Coruscant.

Hector landed the speeder on one of Courscants many rooftops. Setting his blaster sniper to stun, he laid prone and watched the doorway of the building where Maurfai would be completing an information sale. The other members of the meeting were of no concern to Hector, who let the meeting progress until the sale was made and both parties left through separate exits. He gave the Twi’lek a false sense of security, allowing him and his two guards to exit and walk a hundred feet closer to their transport.

Pew! Pew! Pew!

Hector’s blaster rang out three times, stunning the three targets. Hector smiled to himself and went to collect his bounty.

House Wren - Underworld Bounty #1
High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore opted out of publishing his submission.
Vizsla: Code Red
Textual submission

Clan Vizsla
3rd Strike Group
Immobilizer Class Heavy Cruiser

Hector Ricmore stood upon the bridge of the Immobilizer class capital ship, gazing intently at the surface of Zsoldos. After years of a migratory lifestyle it felt good to have a planet to call home, even if he preferred his boots on the deck of a spacefaring vessel. Zsoldos may be a hive of scum and villainy comparable to places like Nar Shadda or Tatooine, but it was his hive of scum and villainy. Hector’s musings were interrupted by the beeping of his com link.

“This is Hector.”

“Sir you have an incoming transmission in the com room from Appius Wight, says its urgent.”

“I should be sure to receive it then, thank you for informing me Captain.”

The Zygerrian turned away from the viewport and walked into the adjacent room which housed the ships holoprojector. The projector displayed a tall humanoid with short hair, typically brown, which appeared a shade of monochromatic blue with the rest of his figure due to the projection.

“Appius! It’s good to see you my friend. Got an adventure planned for the newly formed Battleteam Deathwatch?”

The figure chuckled. “Enthusiastic as ever I see. I do suppose that you could consider my news an adventure. Collective forces managed to infiltrate the clan vaults and make off with a significant portion of our clans valuables, escaping without a trace. Thankfully we do seem to have a lead from...a rather odd source.”

“Oh? What kind of odd source?”

“A Jedi of all things if you can believe it. He came to Zsoldos bearing information he claimed he saw through force visions.”

Hector blinked, visibly taken aback. “Uh Appius? I’m all for a grand adventure but I don’t know if rushing out into space on the words of a prophet will help us recover what was stolen.”

The human nodded. “The clan happens to share your sentiment, for that reason the strike groups will be acting independently. You are to take the 3rd strike group and investigate the Jedi’s visions while our other forces focus on other possible leads. I am sending you two people to help with your search; the Jedi will be present so you can hear about his visions first hand, and I am sending the newest member of our Battleteam Kano Tor Tydex.”

The Zygerrian made a sound of affirmation. “I’ve never worked with Tydex before, what can you tell me about him?”

“He is a professional first and foremost; expensive but almost always delivers. He can be a bit standoffish but he is not a terrible person when you really get to know him.”

“Hmm doesn’t sound that bad”

“At least that's what I’ve heard, he seems like kind of a Shab.”

Hector paused. “Well that’s reassuring” he muttered sarcastically

“The pair should be arriving shortly. May the Force be with you.”

The hologram disappeared as the communication ended.

Beep beep beep. Hector activated his com link.

“There are two visitors requesting to see you sir.”

“Let me guess, a Jedi and a Mandalorian?”

“Yes sir”

“Send them up please.”

It was not long before the bridge doors opened admitting two figures into the room.

Hector turned to address the newcomers. “I’ve been expecting the two of you. My name is Hector Ricmore, Major in the Iron Legion, and the best pilot the unknown regions has ever seen.”

The Zygerrian moved to address the armored figure. “Kano Tydex I presume? I look forward to working with a man of your skill, you have quite a reputation after all.” He held out his hand for Kano to shake.

The mandalorian ignored the hand instead leaning backwards on the wall. While the figure had a relatively slouched posture he gave off a predatory vibe, a loth cat coiled and ready to leap at its prey.

“Appius has already briefed me on the job and taken care of payment. What needs to be done?”

Hector nodded. “That’s one less thing to do then. First we have to check with our Jedi friend, Mr?”

“Caldorous Syr. You may call me Cal.”

“Cal it is then. Appius told me that you had a vision or some hallucination?”

“A Force vision is no mere hallucination major. It is a prediction of what may occur, or a retelling of something long past. The Force grants us the ability to view events like the reflections on a river; distorted and muddled but visible nonetheless.”

“If these visions are distorted then how can they possibly be of any help?”

“They would not be, not to me at least. But I am certain that a pilot of your skill will find this information useful.”

The miraluka pulled out a datapad from his robe, giving it to Hector.

The Major read over the data before smiling. “You’ve given us their fleet composition, 4 strike class cruisers, as well as a set of hyperspace coordinates. Let’s see...that puts us in the Orian system. Brotherhood records state that this is the Dentavii Asteroid belt...an abandoned refueling facility for the Dlarit Special Operations group? Yes I am certain they are there.”

Hector continued to mutter to himself as he walked into the communications room. Flipping on the holoprojector a model of the Dentavii asteroid belt appeared, surrounded by the 4 strike class cruisers.

“The ships themselves are more than a match for our strike group. They heavily outgun our Raider class vessels and only the Immobilizer can compete when it comes to turbolasers. To make matters worse each one of these ships can carry two squadrons of starfighters. While our Tie SF’s can take on a squadron of B wings and plow through their Z-95 headhunters there is no way we can manage another 6 squadrons of fighters.”

Cal chose that moment to interrupt. “So don’t bother fighting them.”

“What do you mean don’t bother fighting them? We can’t allow them to get away with Clan Vizsla’s resources and not deploying fighters is suicidal at best!”

“You are hearing the words that I am saying but you are not truly listening. If you are truly a great pilot prevent the enemy ships from ever taking off.”

“Oh...that might work. The strike class cruisers are quick to produce but have a modular design, the separate pieces have weak points where they connect. If we split our bombers with fighter escort into 2 groups we can take out half their fighters before they can launch, even more if we risk an in system jump to place the Immobilizer right next to the enemy fleet.”

“HA HA! Thank you for the suggestion Cal, this may be winnable after all.”

The jedi nodded his head in acknowledgement

“Kano, you are in charge of ground operations. Handpick a strike team from one of the special missions company and take control of the facility. The asteroid is not huge but I’ll send a titan dropship with an AT-M6 in case you need the fire power to enter the base.”

“Understood, consider the facility secured.”

“Alright people, we’ve got stolen goods to recover. Captain set course for the asteroid belt and give me access to the nav computer so I can plot the micro jump.”

“Of course sir.” the Captain replied

Course set, the Immobilizer jumped into hyperspace; followed by the rest of the strike group.

Some time later

Hector Ricmore watched the last of the pilots enter the hangar. All the pre flight checks on the Tie bombers and Tie SF starfighters were completed; they were ready for action.

Calenhad had taken the time to double check and fix Hector’s calculations, the microjump would be a risky maneuver, but it should work, emphasis on the should.

Hector’s commlink chirped. “Sir, we are coming out of hyperspace now and are prepared to make an immediate in system jump.”

“Thank you for Captain, all fighters are ready to launch.”

Hector switched his commlink frequency to one being used by the pilots. “Alright everyone, we are seconds away from dropping out of hyperspace and right into the action. Stick to the plan and watch the backs of your squad mates, as we will watch your back in turn. Stay alert, fly well and we will all get through this.”

Hector activated his life support, sealing the breath mask against his face. Climbing on top of a Tie SF he dropped down into the cockpit of the ship. Turning around he addressed the gunner of his vessel. “What’s your name kid?”

“I umm Wilson. My name is Wilson Smith sir.” The jittery human stated.

“Well Wilson, today you get to fly with the best pilot in the unknown regions, I give you my word we’ll make it out alive.”

Wilson gulped nervously. “If you say so sir.”

Beep beep beep. Hector activated his commlink. “Major Ricmore, the microjump was successful, no casualties but the hyperdrive is leaking and our engine has received extensive damage. Emergency thrusters have power but we will not be moving anywhere fast.”

“Excellent work Captain, don’t worry about the damages, I don’t intend for this battle to last long enough for it to matter.”

Switching his comm back to the pilots channel Hector called out “It’s time to move people, all fighters and bombers launch now!”

The ships flew out in 3 groups: the first was formed of transports carrying Kano Tydex and the ground forces. The other two groups were made up of Tie SF and Bombers, evenly split to hit separate targets. The ships flew in formation, taking advantage of the microjump that had placed them behind the enemy fleet. The 2 groups delivered their payloads, obliterating the hangars of the 2 closest Strike cruisers.

The Clan Vizsla forces had performed exemplary but battles were not won that easily.

“All Tie’s regroup on me, we’re going to rush that cruiser with everything we have left.”

The 2 groups reformed and advanced towards the cruiser. The time spent hitting the other targets gave the ship time to turn, which it used to promptly open fire on the advancing ships. The turbolasers took down 8 bombers and 4 fighters, with the rest of the vessels reaching the ship and once again destroying the hangar. Low on numbers and out of explosives the ships returned to the Immobilizer.

The last Strike cruiser released its B wings and Z 95 headhunters in pursuit. Hector and the 3rd strike group had planned for this. Instead of moving to engage the Strike class cruisers the Raider II class corvettes of the Vizsla 3rd Strike group had moved closer to the enemy fleet and angled themselves to intercept any fighters that escaped. The pursuing B wing and Z 95 squadron were shredded by the onslaught of turbolaser and blaster fire upon entering the kill zone.

The Raiders then proceeded to engage the Strike Class cruisers alongside the Immobilizer, which was finally able to face the enemy given their reduced state and reliance on thrusters. Given time to repair and rearm the Tie SF and Bombers were able to exploit the pressure on the Strike Class from their capital ships, and destroy them in subsequent bombing runs.

Ever a professional, Kano Tor Tydex secured the asteroid. Leading from the front, Kano lead a lightning fast assault utilizing Vizsla forces outfitted with Jetpacks. Breaching the enemy stronghold with the turbolaser present on the AT-M6, Kano managed a miraculous attack with zero casualties, likely owed to the speed of the assault and the terror inspired by an AT-M6 looming over the Collective forces.

‘All in all things went well’ Hector Ricmore reflected. There were funerals to plan, condolences to send and repairs to make; but Clan Vizsla had managed to recover their riches from a foe with surperior forces, with surprisingly few casualties.

Hector put down his pen and gathered his flimsiplast, having finished writing down the tale of the encounter. He placed the flimsiplast into a container, locking it for safekeeping. The Zygerrian could not keep the grin off of his face as he walked into the communications room. Booting up the holoprojector it was not long before the figure of Appius Wight appeared before him.

“We’ve done it Appius, mission accomplished.”

What goes around, comes around.
Textual submission

Major Hector Ricmore
Clan Vizsla Immobilizer-418 Class Heavy Cruiser
Zsoldos System, Wild Space

A lone figure walked through the hallway, a jaunty tune spilling from his lips. The tune was interrupted by the sharp Clack! Clack! Of armored footsteps. He moved at a steady pace, in no rush to arrive at his destination despite his jovial mood. The crew members of the ship granted him a respectful berth, in part due to his rank, but mostly due to his reputation for being an eccentric if effective officer.

Hector Ricmore, Major of the Iron Legion, was quite pleased. His commission and battlefield promotion had allowed him to afford a new ship, the new A Wing variant currently being utilized by the Resistance in their fight against the First Order. Having a newer vessel was quite exciting for the Pilot, after utilizing an ancient YT-1300 and dealing with the temperamental prototype of the TIE Advanced V1.

The Zygerrian could not help but break out into a smirk as he gazed upon his vessel. 7.68 meters long, with a central cockpit within the long wedge shape. 1 laser canon was attached to each side, with a pair of missile launchers completing the armament. Painted metallic black, with purple stripes and sigils, the A Wing was both aesthetically pleasing and an impressive ship.

Hector settled into the cockpit of the vessel and began his preflight checks. He was pleased to note that the weapons were operational, engine functioning as normal, and the navigational computer had already been set for his trip to Arx. Turning on his on board comm unit he contacted the Immoblizer’s bridge. “Bridge control this is the Lament, are we clear for the test flight?”
The comm unit crackled in response. “You are clear, Godspeed Lament.”

The hangar doors opened wide, allowing the A wing to swiftly exit the capital ship. Hector activated the hyperdrive, the blackness of space replaced by rushing stars. Reaching down the Zygerrian grabbed his data pad, opening his chronometer and setting an alarm for when he would arrive. Trusting in his hyperdrive to get him to his destination he settled down to sleep.

Some Time Later

The shrill ringing of his alarm roused Hector Ricmore from his rest. Blinking drowsily he shut off the alarm before gazing outside his vessel, where stars continued to pass by at an alarming rate.
“...What.” The Zygerrian mumbled in confusion, he should have reached Arx by now.
“Are you working properly?” He questioned, inspecting his data pad. The chronometer appeared accurate and he could not seem to find any fault with the device. “The ship itself then? I swear if I bought defective junk for this price.” The Zygerrian began the process of once again inspecting his ship. Engine working fine, weapons operational, shields online. With growing horror, he looked at his nav computer. “Don’t tell me. Not this. Not the only time I let someone on my ship.”

A thorough inspection of the Nav computer proved those fears to be true. The set course for Arx had merely been a static screen programmed by a slicer, the vessel had actually been set to reach Nar Shadda. Traveling to the Outer Rim was a longer journey than moving between the two set points in Wild Space, causing the discrepancy in Hector’s alarm.

The pilot chuckled. “A sabotaged Nav computer? That’s fine. I was actually worried that we had a technician so incompetent that they could not program a Nav computer properly.” A smirk spread across his lips “This is turning into quite the adventure”

Picking up his datapad he began to sketch out a route back to Zsoldos from Nar Shaddaa. “Let’s see what happens” Hector assured himself.

A Few Days Later

Lament, Cry of the Stars dropped out of hyperspace in front of Nar Shaddaa. Debris ringed the cesspool of a planet, interspersed by the occasional vessel, no doubt up to some nefarious or criminal task.

Hector’s eyes narrowed when he saw some of these vessels approaching; an Aurore Class freighter flanked by 2 HH-87 Starhoppers. Were these ships in league with the saboteur who sliced into his ship?

His comm unit crackled to life. “Hector Ricmore of The Dark Jedi Brotherhood, you have amassed quite a bounty upon yourself. Surrender now and we will make your death quick and painless. Choosing to resist will only prolong your agony. We do hope you pick the second one, it’s been a while before my boys and I had some fun.”

Not bothering to dignify that with a response Hector pushed the A Wing full throttle towards the freighter. Pshew Pshew Pshew! The A wing fired its laser canons. “Wait for it” Hector muttered to himself as he rapidly closed the distance between himself and the enemy vessels; who currently began to return fire. The A wing dipped and dived, avoiding the oncoming blaster fire.

The distance between the ships decreased until Hector could see the pilot within the Freighter. “NOW!” He thought as he fired the proton torpedos aboard his ship, replacements to the usual missiles carried by such a vessel.

Hector pushed his flight stick forward, turning on its ion afterburner for additional speed. The Zygerrian was thrown back into his seat from the sudden acceleration, gripping his flight stick with gritted teeth as he tried to retain some semblance of control over his ship. A sudden shockwave ran through his entire ship and sent a shiver down Hector’s spine. “I’ll take that was a success then.” The Zygerrian said aloud.

He spun his vessel around to deal with the HH-87 Starhoppers. Charred wreckage filled his vision, the freighter and starhoppers reduced to slag floating through space.
Hector’s jaw dropped. “Proton Torpedos alone should not have carried enough of a blast to destroy all three ships. What on earth was that?”
He hadn’t yet targeted the Starhoppers so it was doubtful it was anything involving them.

“The ships nav was sabotaged, could the saboteur have gotten to the torpedo’s as well? But that makes no sense, why would a saboteur bother doing something that could increase my firepower and my chances of escaping the bounty hunters?”

That left the Freighter than. “...were the hunters carrying something unstable aboard? Did they actually expect to win an engagement while carrying something explosive?”
Putting his helmet into his hand Hector gave a sigh at the sheer stupidity he had encountered.

“Hopefully Declan can help me sort this all out. I’m certain he has contacts over at the bounty office.” Hector flipped on his nav computer and set his course for Zsoldos, triple checking that the course was accurate this time.
“Let’s head home Lament.”

[GJW XIII Event Long] Team-Based Fiction - Clan-Wide Run On Theaters of War
Textual submission

Manually added by Grand Master Telaris "Mav" Cantor

[GJW XIII Event Long] Team-Based Fiction - Small Team Co-op Fiction
Textual submission

Manually added by Grand Master Telaris "Mav" Cantor

[ACE] What Must Be Done
Textual submission

Manually added by Master Marick Tyris

Textual submission

Alabaster skin, eyes pools of black
Leading his men at the front of an attack
Sharpened teeth gleam in the light
crushing enemies with all his might

[HSD] Exodus of the Disciple - Runon
Textual submission

Manually added by Privateer Vosiri Lightscrest

To Become a Blackguard
Textual submission

Calenhad stood in silence within the confines of the Low Altitude Assault transport. The LAAT carried himself as well as 12 troopers of Clan Naga Sadow’s line infantry. They were under the command of Sergeant Anderson, a man Calenhad met during the siege of the Collective base on Ruuria. Calenhad held respect for this man who survived the Shikari huntress ambush alongside himself. The lights within the cabin flickered on as the LAAT continued its descent towards the planet Ryloth. Calenhad took a deep breath as he prepared to address his men. “Our orders are to rendez-vous will Tasha’vel upon the planets surface. I have been told that further instructions will be given then. You men have all been tested through combat. The fires of Ruuria forged you into soldiers. Now I ask you all to follow me into the unknown on Ryloth. Who is with me?!” There was a brief pause before Anderson called “We’re with you sir!” The call was echoed by the 11 other soldiers. “Glad to hear the excitement boys” the LAAT pilot exclaimed. “Approaching the LZ in 3...2...1.” The LAAT touched down upon the dusty ground. The doors of the LAAT opened and the soldiers exited the aircraft. Calenhad stepped out the vehicle as the pilot called out to him. “I’ll remain within comm range just in case you need a bit of fire support.” Calenhad nodded towards the man. “I appreciate it.” Calenhad and the infantrymen began to move north across the rocky ground. After a few minutes a blue figure could be seen sitting beside a heavily modified X-wing. Calenhad approached the figure and inclined his head respectfully. “You requested my presence Tasha’vel?” The sapphire Twi’lek glanced at Calenhad and the soldiers behind him. “I take it that you have heard of the Blackguard unit?” Calenhad paused in thought. “They are an organization that guard the Consul and Proconsul.” Tasha’vel nodded. “We are currently holding exams for two positions within the Blackguard. I figured as an up and coming member of Clan Naga Sadow you would appreciate the chance to take the exam.” Surprise flickered across Calenhad’s face. “I’m honored.” Tasha’vel smiled. “Your assignment is to retrieve the Blackguard Token that was stolen by a group of bandits. You may use any means necessary to achieve your mission but keep in mind that I will be watching you to assess your abilities.” “Where is this camp of bandits?” Calenhad replied. “Continue northward, they are a bit difficult to miss.” Calenhad nodded and began walking northward alongside Anderson and his men. Tasha’vel was soon proven right. 4 Flarestar class Weequay ships sat in a semicircle. Dozens of Weequay were visibly drunk and singing around a large table. Calenhad and the troopers looked at the scene in disbelief. Anderson twitched beside him. “Are we truly seeing this sir?” Calenhad looked at the sergeant then looked back at the scene. “I believe we are Anderson. Either way it makes things easier for us.” Calenhad turned to address his men. “We are going to go in quickly and with maximum fire power. We lack the means to take prisoners so don’t bother leaving any alive. The objective is to recover the Blackguard Token above all else.” “Sir, yes sir!” the men called. Calenhad activated the commlink on his right ear. “It looks like we could use that fire support after all. There is a camp of Weequay bandits north of my position. Do you mind softening them up for us?” “Right away sir” the pilot replied. Calenhad turned toward his men. “Once the LAAT makes its gun run we are going in. Remember keep your eyes peeled for the Blackguard Token.” “Yes sir!” the men replied. The LAAT came screaming into view. It soared past the soldiers and unloaded its rocket pods into the Weequay camp. Explosions filled the camp alongside pools of blood and missing limbs. Calenhad grabbed his saber with his right hand and his electrowhip in his left. “For the Brotherhood!” Calenhad yelled as his saber ignited into a beam of crimson. Calenhad moved briskly toward the camp deflecting blaster shots from the few bandits coherent enough to respond the the attack. Any opposition was swiftly dealt with by the 12 men behind him. The battle was anticlimactic and lasted for less than 3 minutes. Calenhad looked at the devastation around him. “Anderson, I want the bodies brought back to my lab for further study.” The sargeant looked up from his search. “Of course sir.” Calenhad closed his eyes and immersed himself in the Force. He let his senses wash over the bodies until he felt a unique signature. He held his hand out towards the strange feeling out grasped it with the Force, pulling it toward him. A small object flew from the neck of the dead Weequay into Calenhad’s outstretched hand. Calenhad opened his eyes to view the Blackguard Token sitting in his palm.