Rath Oligard, former Fleet Admiral of the Dark Brotherhood, was declared absent without leave from the Fleet in 29 ABY. Known throughout the Brotherhood as a rising military star, Oligard abandoned his position following the tragic and unfortunate events that led to the death of his family on an uncharted planet known only as XL374.
Oligard’s journey over the next six years took him from sorrow, to depression, to anger, and finally towards a single driven purpose. The galaxy had toiled under the yoke of Force users for Rath’s entire life. The Old Republic were ruled by a cadre of unfeeling and arrogant monks who sat within a temple and passed judgment upon the galaxy. The Empire ruled with an iron fist and destroyed any and all who opposed it. Now, the galaxy sat in a state of abject chaos as multiple Theocracies attempted to impose their will upon it.
The former Fleet Admiral would tolerate it no longer. He crawled from the alcoholic haze that blurred the loss of his family from his memory. He drug himself, upon hands and knees, into the dens of miscreants and criminals until he finally began to find those who understood his new found philosophical goal. The Galaxy was a miserable and contemptuous place, but it was much more tolerable when it was not oppressed by the yoke of the Jedi or Sith.
The creation of the Collective was a tedious and daunting process. Rath’s personal vanguard within the Liberation Front were the true believers. They despised Force users of all kinds and abhorred the institutions that they created. The Technocratic Guild, a series of eccentric engineers and scientists, did not harbor the same hatred for Force users, but did jealously covet their knowledge and possessions. Finally, Capital Enterprises; the mercenaries for hire within the Collective, agreed to Rath’s terms solely to eliminate the Force users from cutting into their bottom line. Rath understood Capital Enterprises greed, but he also knew their enigmatic leader, Ghafa Ordam, harbored deep hatred for the Sith and their slaver ways.
Six years, billions of credits, and the unification of multiple visions produced the organization that now opposed the Dark Brotherhood. Rath Oligard, military genius, rogue, and charismatic leader, looked forward to finally obtaining the justifiable wrath he sought for his family.
He had conducted hundreds of small scale attacks against the Dark Brotherhood fleets over the past several weeks and now he had ushered them to his front door on Nancora. Exactly where he wanted them.
For the most up to date information, please visit the Great Jedi War XII Wiki Page
Phase I of the Great Jedi War runs from October 14 until October 30
Phase II of the Great Jedi War runs from November 4 until November 20
Competitions in each Phase are divided into competition types, or 'bins'. The first time a member participates in a competition within a Phase's bin, that member is awarded the participation points associated with that bin. In addition, members earn bonus participation points by participating in at least one competition in each bin. Individual competitions still award seals and credits, and members that place will earn placement points and Novae if placing in the top three.
Clans earn points when members participate in competition types/bins or when members place in a competition. In accordance with the directives governing Vendetta Events in the Brotherhood, the Clan with the most points at the conclusion of Great Jedi War XII will be named First Clan of the Brotherhood, while the Clan with the second and third most points will be Second Clan and Third Clan, respectively.
The top three individuals earning the most points in Great Jedi War XII will be awarded War Hero titles. Members with tie scores will be broken following an Olympic-style Novae and placement ranking.
The rules for placement in individual sub-competitions are covered within their descriptions below.
The weight for placement of each competition is described within the competition.
Title | Status | Running time | Competition Type |
[GJW XII Event Long] Combat Writing - ACC Ladder | Finished | 2017-06-25 - 2017-07-17 (23 days) | ACC |
[GJW XII Event Long] Combat Writing - ACC Bracket | Finished | 2017-10-14 - 2017-11-20 (about 1 month) | ACC |
[GJW XII Event Long] Combat Writing - Collective Strike | Finished | 2017-10-14 - 2017-11-20 (about 1 month) | Fiction |
[GJW XII Event Long] Gaming - Heroes of the Storm 2v2 Bracket
(6 sub-competitions) |
Finished | 2017-10-14 - 2017-11-20 (about 1 month) | Multiplayer Gaming |
[GJW XII Event Long] Gaming - Jedi Academy 1v1 Bracket
(2 sub-competitions) |
Finished | 2017-10-14 - 2017-11-20 (about 1 month) | Multiplayer Gaming |
[GJW XII Event Long] Gaming - Pazaak Den | Finished | 2017-10-14 - 2017-11-20 (about 1 month) | Multiplayer Gaming |
[GJW XII Event Long] Multimedia - Battle Plan
(2 sub-competitions) |
Finished | 2017-10-14 - 2017-11-20 (about 1 month) | Other |
[GJW XII Event Long] Multimedia - Comic | Finished | 2017-10-14 - 2017-11-20 (about 1 month) | Graphics/Multimedia |
[GJW XII Event Long] Multimedia - In a World | Finished | 2017-10-14 - 2017-11-20 (about 1 month) | Graphics/Multimedia |
[GJW XII Event Long] Multimedia - The Maker | Finished | 2017-10-14 - 2017-11-20 (about 1 month) | Graphics/Multimedia |
[GJW XII Event Long] Run On - The Lost Artifacts of Darth Plagueis the Wise | Finished | 2017-10-14 - 2017-11-20 (about 1 month) | Fiction |
[GJW XII Phase I] Fiction - Multi-Objective Prompt | Finished | 2017-10-14 - 2017-10-30 (17 days) | Fiction |
[GJW XII Phase I] Gaming - Force Arena PvP | Finished | 2017-10-14 - 2017-10-30 (17 days) | Multiplayer Gaming |
[GJW XII Phase I] Gaming - Rogue Squadron | Finished | 2017-10-14 - 2017-10-30 (17 days) | Flash Gaming/Puzzles |
[GJW XII Phase I] Graphics - Face of the enemy | Finished | 2017-10-14 - 2017-10-30 (17 days) | Graphics/Multimedia |
[GJW XII Phase I] Graphics - Machines are stronger | Finished | 2017-10-14 - 2017-10-30 (17 days) | Graphics/Multimedia |
[GJW XII Phase I] Miscellaneous - Hunt the Jedi | Finished | 2017-10-14 - 2017-10-30 (17 days) | Other |
[GJW XII Phase I] Miscellaneous - Know Thy Enemy | Finished | 2017-10-14 - 2017-10-30 (17 days) | Other |
[GJW XII Phase I] Miscellaneous - Puzzle: GJW Edition | Finished | 2017-10-14 - 2017-10-30 (17 days) | Flash Gaming/Puzzles |
[GJW XII Phase II] Fiction - Survival | Finished | 2017-11-04 - 2017-11-20 (17 days) | Fiction |
[GJW XII Phase II] Gaming - 1v1 Battles | Finished | 2017-11-04 - 2017-11-20 (17 days) | Multiplayer Ladder |
[GJW XII Phase II] Gaming - Destiny Crucible Efficiency | Finished | 2017-11-04 - 2017-11-20 (17 days) | Single-player Gaming |
[GJW XII Phase II] Gaming - Diablo 3 Greater Rift Solo Run | Finished | 2017-11-04 - 2017-11-20 (17 days) | Single-player Gaming |
[GJW XII Phase II] Graphics - Armor of the elite | Finished | 2017-11-04 - 2017-11-20 (17 days) | Graphics/Multimedia |
[GJW XII Phase II] Graphics - The Battle of Nancora | Finished | 2017-11-04 - 2017-11-20 (17 days) | Graphics/Multimedia |
[GJW XII Phase II] Miscellaneous - Blast from the Past | Finished | 2017-11-04 - 2017-11-20 (17 days) | Other |
[GJW XII Phase II] Miscellaneous - Puzzle: GJW Edition 2 - Electric Boogaloo | Finished | 2017-11-04 - 2017-11-20 (17 days) | Flash Gaming/Puzzles |
[GJW XII Phase II] Miscellaneous - We Regret to Inform You | Finished | 2017-11-04 - 2017-11-20 (17 days) | Other |
Name | 1st Places | 2nd Places | 3rd Places | Other placements | |
107th place107 |
Ghost Luka Zarkot
Clan Arcona
First Places:
Second Places:
Third Places:
Other Placements
112th place112 |
First Places:
Second Places:
Third Places:
Other Placements
112th place112 |
First Places:
Second Places:
Third Places:
Other Placements
112th place112 |
First Places:
Second Places:
Third Places:
Other Placements
112th place112 |
Envoy Taranae Rhode
Clan Plagueis
First Places:
Second Places:
Third Places:
Other Placements
112th place112 |
Ala'ar Rinn
First Places:
Second Places:
Third Places:
Other Placements
112th place112 |
First Places:
Second Places:
Third Places:
Other Placements
112th place112 |
First Places:
Second Places:
Third Places:
Other Placements
112th place112 |
Warden Benn Nevis
Clan Odan-Urr
First Places:
Second Places:
Third Places:
Other Placements
112th place112 |
First Places:
Second Places:
Third Places:
Other Placements