Battleteam Devil's Shroud

By Sadow We Are Bound, In Shadow We Serve
About Battleteam Devil's Shroud

Devil's Shroud is a Battleteam of House Shar Dakhan of Clan Naga Sadow

Displaying news 1 - 20 of 39 in total
Date Title Author Context
2018/08/05 Battleteam Devil's Shroud Report #2 High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore Battleteam Leader
2018/06/24 Battleteam Devil’s Shroud Report #1 High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore Battleteam Leader
2017/07/07 June 2017 - Last Devil's Shroud Battleteam Report Lilith Alema'rha Versea-Stormwind Battleteam Leader
2017/05/18 May 2017 Devil's Shroud Battleteam Report Lilith Alema'rha Versea-Stormwind Battleteam Leader
2017/03/21 The Changes, They Just Keep A'Coming Lilith Alema'rha Versea-Stormwind Battleteam Leader
2017/02/14 Devil's Shroud Battleteam report #3 Lilith Alema'rha Versea-Stormwind Battleteam Leader
2017/01/03 Happy New Year from Devil's Shroud Battleteam Leader Lilith Alema'rha Versea-Stormwind Battleteam Leader
2016/11/16 Devi's Shroud Battleteam #1 - Lilith spreads her wings Lilith Alema'rha Versea-Stormwind Battleteam Leader
2016/09/26 Devil's Shroud - Battleteam Leader Report 3 - In the Midst of it All... Aul Celsus Battleteam Leader
2016/08/29 Devil's Shroud - Battleteam Leader Report 2 - Get me to the Bacta tanks! Aul Celsus Battleteam Leader
2016/08/02 Devil's Shroud - Battleteam Leader Report 1 - Helllooooooo! Aul Celsus Battleteam Leader
2016/07/24 Devil's Shroud Report #7ish: The Parting Glass Qyreia Arronen Battleteam Leader
2016/07/05 Devil's Shroud Report #6: So long, and thanks for all the Fish Qyreia Arronen Battleteam Leader
2016/06/01 Devil's Shroud Report #5: Rogue… Battle Team? Qyreia Arronen Battleteam Leader
2016/05/01 Devil's Shroud Report #4: Weapons at the Ready! Qyreia Arronen Battleteam Leader
2016/03/27 Devil's Shroud Report #3: Ermahgerd, it’s Merch! Qyreia Arronen Battleteam Leader
2016/02/28 Devil's Shroud Report #2: No Soup for You! Qyreia Arronen Battleteam Leader
2016/02/01 Devil's Shroud Report #1: A New Hope… Nope, you’re all kriffed. Qyreia Arronen Battleteam Leader
2016/01/18 Devil's Shroud Report #7: Let's Push 'Em Back Master Bentre Stahoes Battleteam Leader
2015/12/17 Devil's Shroud Report #6: Now We Just Need Another Wookie Holiday Special Master Bentre Stahoes Battleteam Leader