Character Sheet Reference

Displaying feats 321 - 340 of 529 in total
Feat Type / Location Description Created / Updated
Take My Shimmer II Chosen Force Feat

The character has learned to place their Force Cloak on another person. The target individual must remain stationary, but The character can move as long as they maintain concentration on the cloak. They only must be in eyesight while starting the cloak, and can be separated completely as long as concentration is maintained.

Related Skills/Powers: Force Cloak

Prerequisites: Order Group: Force Sensitives and Rank Tier: Elder

2021/12/16 / 2021/12/17
Leaf On The Wind Chosen Force Feat

The character has learned to be a leaf in the wind, calming their mind and attuning their sensitivity with Precognition to the point that they is granted the ability to feel out potential obstacles while flying a ship, vehicle, or jetpack.

Related Skills/Powers: Precognition

Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Equite and Order Group: Force Sensitives

2013/08/17 / 2023/11/13
Trakata Chosen Force Feat

The character has mastered the ability to incorporate the principles of Trakata into their Lightsaber Form. This involves the subtle nuances of activating and deactivating their lightsaber blade in the heart of combat at key tactical moments. Usually dismissed by saberist as a gimmick, a true Trakata user knows how to compensate for the split-seconds of vulnerability that the risky technique carries with skill and precision.

Related Skills/Powers: Lightsaber

Prerequisites: Rank: Equite 4

2015/10/07 / 2021/12/16
Deflect This Chosen Force Feat

While using Lightsaber-resistant weapons (Beskar, Phrik, Sith Alchemy), The character can use their relevant related Skill (Bladed, Blunt, Miscellaneous) in place of their Lightsaber Skill for the sole purpose of deflecting and redirecting incoming blaster fire.

Related Skills/Powers: Bladed Weapons, Blunt Weapons, Lightsaber, and Miscellaneous Weapons

Prerequisites: Rank: Journeyman 4 and Order Group: Force Sensitives

2020/01/22 / 2024/03/29
Singularity Chosen Force Feat

Rather than focusing on a single individual, The character has learned to project the effects of Slow over a small area of effect, slowing the movement and responses of multiple targets at a time. This requires The character's full concentration, regardless of Force Power level.

Related Skills/Powers: Slow

Prerequisites: Rank: Equite 3 and Order Group: Force Sensitives

2015/08/09 / 2021/12/16
Field Triage III Chosen Force Feat

The character can extend their Control Self in conjunction with their Healing skill in the battlefield, as long as they are focused on someone else's injuries. This Force-fueled anesthetic can help calm a patient with moderate injuries including life threatening trauma and severed limbs.

Related Skills/Powers: Control Self and Healing

Prerequisites: Order Group: Force Sensitives and Rank Tier: Elder

2021/12/16 / 2021/12/16
Force Crush I Chosen Force Feat

The character has learned to use their Telekinesis Force Power to near instantaneously crush a stationary target from all directions beyond the capacity of what is normal, as if compacting them into a ball. This causes immense damage, but on its own is non-fatal. The power is tremendously draining.

Related Skills/Powers: Telekinesis

Prerequisites: Order Group: Force Sensitives and Rank Tier: Elder (exact)

2021/12/16 / 2023/04/06
Shield Wall II Chosen Force Feat

The character is able to focus completely on their Barrier and extend it to nearby allies such that they are protected as well. They move within the barrier radius, but must maintain focus on sustaining it, and thus can take no other actions.

Related Skills/Powers: Barrier

Prerequisites: Order Group: Force Sensitives and Rank Tier: Equite (exact)

2021/12/16 / 2021/12/16
Sokan Chosen Force Feat

The character has learned to incorporate the principles of Sokan into their Lightsaber Forms, by using the terrain, obstacles, and distance to balance evasive defense and kinetic offense. The character utilizes the full battleground to their advantage.

Related Skills/Powers: Lightsaber

Prerequisites: Rank: Journeyman 4

2020/09/07 / 2021/12/16
Telekinetic Combat I Chosen Force Feat

The character can take control over weapons or objects with their Telekinesis and use them effectively in combat as remote weapons. The weapons' effectiveness is based on The character's Skill level in the controlled weapon type. This usage requires hand gestures to act as focus guides for the invisible hands that are 'using' the weapons.

Related Skills/Powers: Telekinesis

Prerequisites: Rank: Elder 1 (exact) and Order Group: Force Sensitives

2013/08/12 / 2021/12/30
Dampen I Chosen Force Feat

Rather than focusing on an individual, The character has learned to project the effects of Suppression over a small area of effect, lowering the effectiveness of Force usage from any that step into The character’s sphere of awareness.

Related Skills/Powers: Suppression

Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Equite (exact) and Order Group: Force Sensitives

2015/08/09 / 2021/12/16
Field Triage II Chosen Force Feat

The character can extend their Control Self in conjunction with their Healing skill in the battlefield, as long as they are focused on someone else's injuries. This Force-fueled anesthetic can help calm a patient with moderate injuries including deep cuts and broken bones.

Related Skills/Powers: Control Self and Healing

Prerequisites: Order Group: Force Sensitives and Rank Tier: Equite (exact)

2021/12/16 / 2021/12/16
Force Crush II Chosen Force Feat

The character has learned to use their Telekinesis Force Power to instantly crush a stationary target from all directions, compacting the target into a tight ball. This can be fatal if crushed to the extreme. This power is somewhat draining.

Related Skills/Powers: Telekinesis

Prerequisites: Rank: Elder 4 and Order Group: Force Sensitives

2021/12/16 / 2023/04/06
Telekinetic Combat II Chosen Force Feat

A master of the Force, The character can control weaponry with their Telekinesis alone, without the need for hand gestures or concentrated focus. This allows The character to fight while maintaining control over the telekinetic combat. The effectiveness of the controlled weapons is still dependant on The character's skill level in that weapons' type.

Related Skills/Powers: Telekinesis

Prerequisites: Rank: Elder 2 and Order Group: Force Sensitives

2015/08/09 / 2021/12/16
Force Meld I Chosen Force Feat

The character has refined their Battle Meditation to allow them to link together the minds of a small group of Force Sensitives, enhancing battle coordination and morale without needing to meditate. This means The character can move with the group, and not remain stationary. However, disturbances in emotional state or the Force will have serious consequences against the whole group.

Related Skills/Powers: Battle Meditation

Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Equite (exact) and Order Group: Force Sensitives

2015/08/09 / 2021/12/16
Dun Moch Chosen Force Feat

The character has learned to incorporate the principles of Dun Moch into their Lightsaber Forms. By actively seeking to completely dominate their opponent’s will to fight with aggressive displays of power and flare, The character weaves taunts like fuel for the fire, and is not beyond using the Force in fits of showmanship. The character will then gamble on the openings created in hopes of the opponent's guard slipping.

Related Skills/Powers: Lightsaber

Prerequisites: Rank: Equite 2

2015/10/07 / 2021/12/16
Ace Aura Chosen Force Feat

The character has practiced the art of Battle Meditation in space battles to a point where it becomes second nature. The character can project their Battle Meditation Force Power over a squadron of starfighters, even while Piloting.

Related Skills/Powers: Battle Meditation

Prerequisites: Rank: Equite 3 and Order Group: Force Sensitives

2021/12/16 / 2021/12/16
Telekinetic Strike III Chosen Force Feat

The character can further specialize their Telekinetic power. The character can create both a directional punching like attack, as well as they can slam an open hand on the ground to release a small detonation of telekinetic wave of energy. Foes within immediate proximity to The character are knocked back from either attack and those within one meter are staggered.

Related Skills/Powers: Telekinesis

Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Equite and Order Group: Force Sensitives

2013/08/13 / 2021/12/16
Deep Bond III Chosen Force Feat

The character has formed a lasting bond with a up to two Domesticated or Tameable creatures through the Force. This allows The character easier command and communication without the need to maintain concentration when controlling a bonded creature with Creature Control. (Bonded creatures must be cited in Loadout Description)

Related Skills/Powers: Creature Control

Prerequisites: Order Group: Force Sensitives and Rank Tier: Elder

2021/12/16 / 2021/12/16
Use The Force, Luke I Chosen Force Feat

The character can, while operating their starfighter, reach out with the Force and manipulate matter with their Telekinesis ability. While focused, they can alter trajectory of a single large projectile weapon (rockets, torpedoes) off its natural trajectory and guide it into a narrow or hard to hit opening.

Related Skills/Powers: Piloting and Telekinesis

Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Equite (exact) and Order Group: Force Sensitives

2021/12/16 / 2021/12/16