Venue Database

Ahch-To: Ancient Islands
Arx: Combat Training Center
Arx: Refinery Complex
Arx: The Abandoned Mines
Arx: The Colosseum
Arx: The Colosseum - The Bridges
Arx: The Colosseum - The Elements
Arx: The Colosseum - The Forge
Arx: The Colosseum - The Jungle
Arx: The Colosseum - The Shanty Town
Arx: The Colosseum - The Singularity
Arx: The Colosseum - The Void
Batuu: Black Spire Outpost
Coruscant: Club Kasakar
Coruscant: Level 1313
Crait: Former Rebel Base
Dajorra: Port Ol'val
Daleem: Tunnels
Dathomir: Desolate Swamps
Dromund Kaas: Dark Temple Ruins
Felucia: Rancor Graveyard
Godless Matron: Chute Town
Godless Matron: Hangar Zerek
Godless Matron: The Gauntlet
Hoth: Ice Cave
Jakku: Fallen Starship
Jedha: Cadera Ruins
Kalsunor: Massassi Arena
Kamino: Landing Platform
Kashyyyk: Rainforest Canopies
Kasiya: Chancellor's Conference Room
Kasiya: The Playground
Kenari: Raiding The Covenant
Kiast: Velastari Temple
Luprora: Rising Tides
Malachor: Sith Temple Ruins
Mustafar: Interrogation Facility
Mustafar: Mining Facility
Naboo: Jan-gwa City
Naboo: Otoh Gunga
Naboo: Plasma Refinery Complex
Naboo: Theed Royal Palace
Nal Hutta: Winter Palace
Nancora: Axio Transit Station Cresh
Nancora: Factory "Empusa"
Nancora: Faron City
Nancora: The Badlands
Nar Shaddaa: Club Vertica
Nar Shaddaa: Jekk'Jekk Tarr Cantina
Nar Shaddaa: Refugee Sector
Nar Shaddaa: Streets
Ruins of Antei: The Dark Hall
[Scenario] Ahch-To: Raiders of the Lost Ahch
[Scenario] Arx: Are You Not Entertained?
[Scenario] Eadu: Weapons of Old
[Scenario] Endor: Searching the Death Star II Ruins
[Scenario] Florrum: Map to a Pirate’s Treasure
[Scenario] Godless Matron: Emergency Repairs
[Scenario] Godless Matron: Intelligence Scramble
[Scenario] Hoth: Bounty on Ice
[Scenario] Kamino: Collective Defector
[Scenario] Kasiya: Glitter Problems On Floor 42
[Scenario] Mustafar: Vader's Legacy
[Scenario] Naboo: Escape from Otoh Gunga
[Scenario] Nancora: Scavenging the Foundry
[Scenario] Nar Shaddaa: Thief Hunt
[Scenario] Ostara: Insurgency At The Temple
[Scenario] Umbara: Deals in the Dark
[Scenario] Utapau: Climbing the Ranks
[Scenario] Wasskah: The Most Dangerous Game
[Scenario] Wild Space: Downfall of the Suffering
Selen: Aphotis Sea Laboratory
Selen: Arcona Citadel - Cantina
Selen: Arcona Citadel - Courtyard
Selen: Arcona Citadel - Throne Room
Selen: Fort Blindshot
Selen: Shrine of the Spirit King
Sepros: Ballista Crash Site
Sepros: Temple of Sorrows
Seraph: The Lighthouse
Shili: Savannah
Solyiat: Po’tak Coastline
Takodana: Maz Kanata’s Castle
Tatooine: Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina
Tatooine: Great Pit of Carkoon
Jedha: Cadera Ruins


In the distant past, the Catacombs of Cadera were a series of ancient structures located beneath the surface of the sacred moon of Jedha. Hidden within was a monastery, serving as a burial ground for an Order of NiJedha Monks. In the wake of tbe Death Star's attack, however, the moon's surface was sundered, all but annihilating the Catacombs and the monastery hidden within.

You have fallen into darkness. Deep below Jedha's devastated surface, you find yourself lost within the remnants of the Catacombs—only ruins now remain. As your eyes adjust, you realize only a few shafts of hazy, pale green light are all you have to see by. Every step, every breath you take echoes off of the cavern-like walls. You run a hand over a hand over one of the pillars adorning the ruins and feel the carved stone flake at your touch. That they still hold the ceiling in place above your head is a miracle.

You must tread cautiously. Taking careful steps forward, you feel the sickening crunch of skeletal remains beneath your feet. The hollow sound of shattering bones rings throughout the catacombs. Announcing your presence to whoever or whatever may reside here. The air is fetid and clouded with dust you stir up with every movement.

As you wander you realize these ruins are labyrinthine—a tangled maze of broken and collapsed tunnels crisscrossing haphazardly leading to who knows where. Each path you take is fraught with hazards or dead ends. From deep within the darkness, you begin to hear whispers—a constant buzzing in the back of your mind that quickly puts you on edge. The spirits of the dead slumber restlessly here. You must escape this place, but, before you can begin to search for an exit, you hear footsteps methodically moving toward you.

Tread lightly in the Ruins of Cadera... for you are not alone.