Moraband, known in antiquity as Korriban, is a harsh, desolate planet that is indelibly linked to its history as the ancient homeworld of the Sith. Its barren landscape, which is covered by red sands and a crimson sky, sporting towering rock formations born from the remnants of temples and tombs. The planet itself is saturated with the Dark Side of the Force, the result of nefarious rituals once performed by Sith forefathers.
One area of particular interest on the planet is the Valley of the Dark Lords, a narrow area between two cliff walls into which ancient tombs have been carved for fallen Sith Lords. The sealed tombs once concealed mysteries and dark powers connected to legends like Exar Kun and Naga Sadow, though decades of scavenging from looters and wannabe acolytes alike have left varying amounts of debris across the sand, leaving it questionable as to what remains.
What is certain is the presence of a dark energy that seeps from these tombs that renders the air around their rocky surroundings still, suffocating, maddening – as if too much humidity somehow exists in the desert environs. The tales of Sith Spirits returning from the dead to prey on the meek and feeble don't seem like an exaggeration in this ancient landscape. One can only hope and pray that these stories aren't based on reality.