Venue Database

Ahch-To: Ancient Islands
Arx: Combat Training Center
Arx: Refinery Complex
Arx: The Abandoned Mines
Arx: The Colosseum
Arx: The Colosseum - The Bridges
Arx: The Colosseum - The Elements
Arx: The Colosseum - The Forge
Arx: The Colosseum - The Jungle
Arx: The Colosseum - The Shanty Town
Arx: The Colosseum - The Singularity
Arx: The Colosseum - The Void
Batuu: Black Spire Outpost
Cato Neimoidia: Bridge Mansion
Corellia: Club Fallen
Coruscant: Club Kasakar
Coruscant: Level 1313
Crait: Former Rebel Base
Dajorra: Port Ol'val
Daleem: Tunnels
Dathomir: Desolate Swamps
Dromund Kaas: Dark Temple Ruins
Felucia: Rancor Graveyard
Godless Matron: Chute Town
Godless Matron: Hangar Zerek
Godless Matron: The Gauntlet
Hoth: Ice Cave
Jakku: Fallen Starship
Jedha: Cadera Ruins
Kalsunor: Massassi Arena
Kamino: Landing Platform
Kashyyyk: Rainforest Canopies
Kasiya: Chancellor's Conference Room
Kasiya: The Playground
Kenari: Raiding The Covenant
Kiast: Velastari Temple
Korriban: Valley Of The Dark Lords
Luprora: Rising Tides
Malachor: Sith Temple Ruins
Mustafar: Interrogation Facility
Mustafar: Mining Facility
Naboo: Jan-gwa City
Naboo: Otoh Gunga
Naboo: Plasma Refinery Complex
Naboo: Theed Royal Palace
Nal Hutta: Winter Palace
Nancora: Axio Transit Station Cresh
Nancora: Factory "Empusa"
Nancora: Faron City
Nancora: The Badlands
Nar Shaddaa: Club Vertica
Nar Shaddaa: Jekk'Jekk Tarr Cantina
Nar Shaddaa: Refugee Sector
Nar Shaddaa: Streets
Ruins of Antei: The Dark Hall
[Scenario] Ahch-To: Raiders of the Lost Ahch
[Scenario] Arx: Are You Not Entertained?
[Scenario] Eadu: Weapons of Old
[Scenario] Endor: Searching the Death Star II Ruins
[Scenario] Florrum: Map to a Pirate’s Treasure
[Scenario] Godless Matron: Emergency Repairs
[Scenario] Godless Matron: Intelligence Scramble
[Scenario] Hoth: Bounty on Ice
[Scenario] Kamino: Collective Defector
[Scenario] Kasiya: Glitter Problems On Floor 42
[Scenario] Maldo Kreis: Trial By Ice Spiders
[Scenario] Mustafar: Vader's Legacy
[Scenario] Naboo: Escape from Otoh Gunga
[Scenario] Nancora: Scavenging the Foundry
[Scenario] Nar Shaddaa: Thief Hunt
[Scenario] Umbara: Deals in the Dark
[Scenario] Utapau: Climbing the Ranks
[Scenario] Wasskah: The Most Dangerous Game
[Scenario] Wild Space: Downfall of the Suffering
Selen: Aphotis Sea Laboratory
Selen: Arcona Citadel - Cantina
Selen: Arcona Citadel - Courtyard
Selen: Arcona Citadel - Throne Room
Selen: Fort Blindshot
Selen: Shrine of the Spirit King
Sepros: Ballista Crash Site
Sepros: Temple of Sorrows
Seraph: The Lighthouse
Shili: Savannah
Solyiat: Po’tak Coastline
Solyiat: The Fang
Takodana: Maz Kanata’s Castle
Tatooine: Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina
Tatooine: Great Pit of Carkoon
Kiast: Velastari Temple

Kiast: Velestari Temple

Perched on top of one of the many summits in the Or’ena mountain range on Kiast, only a few kilometers or so from the new Jedi Praxeum, the Velastari Temple is an old forgotten Vatali Jedi temple surrounded by mountain peaks on all sides. Thin wispy clouds and fog tend to linger around it when not otherwise blown away by the cold mountainous air channeled through the mountains. The hot suns of Kiast shine on this particular peak regularly, forming beautiful rainbows as the light reflects off the metallic surface of the Vatali structure. As a result, despite the temple’s heightened elevation, the Velastari Temple and its surroundings atop the peak are warm enough to not only support green vegetation, such as trees and grass, but also humanoid visitors, who can get by with a variety of layers depending on the season. In addition, the elevation makes the air breathable, the toxic fumes of the planet only residing in the lower atmospheres. Past the peak itself, the ground drops away quickly, forming dangerous ridges that travellers can use to travel from peak to peak.

Occupying a relatively flat portion of land on the summit, the Velastari Temple invokes the Jedi temples of old but with the classic design elements of the Vatali civilization and a few changes to suite the terrain. Hooded Vatali statues flank its entrance, the aged metallic stone having long lost its luster. The atrium of the temple is surrounded by four spiraling pillars and is filled in between with a cacophony of support structures, some of which include landing pads and storage. This once well-organized system of buildings has fallen into disarray, ancient machinery and debris breaking up any direct approach to the main temple itself. Long defunct droids, some partially scavenged, can be found throughout the atrium. As to the spiraling pillars, no one is quite sure if they are structurally sound, but they appear to have been watchtowers and may have possibly at some point served a secondary purpose due to the number of additional rooms within it.

Once one makes it past the atrium, the main temple itself comes into view, towering over the smaller spirals below. Like other ancient Jedi temples, it has many mysteries that will only reveal themselves to Force-users, unlocking portions of the temple one might assume didn’t exist. Its architecture is highly reminiscent of the old Jedi Order, though less grand in scale than its peers. Nevertheless, it has all of the remains of core components one would expect, such as a Jedi Council room, housing, a library, and training rooms. Few enter the temple itself unless undergoing trials and Odan-Urr does it best to preserve the Velastari Temple from further damage. This landmark serves as not only inspiration to the next generation of Jedi but also as a solemn reminder of the Jedi long gone.