Venue Database

Ahch-To: Ancient Islands
Arx: Combat Training Center
Arx: Refinery Complex
Arx: The Abandoned Mines
Arx: The Colosseum
Arx: The Colosseum - The Bridges
Arx: The Colosseum - The Elements
Arx: The Colosseum - The Forge
Arx: The Colosseum - The Jungle
Arx: The Colosseum - The Shanty Town
Arx: The Colosseum - The Singularity
Arx: The Colosseum - The Void
Batuu: Black Spire Outpost
Cato Neimoidia: Bridge Mansion
Corellia: Club Fallen
Coruscant: Club Kasakar
Coruscant: Level 1313
Crait: Former Rebel Base
Dajorra: Port Ol'val
Daleem: Tunnels
Dathomir: Desolate Swamps
Dromund Kaas: Dark Temple Ruins
Felucia: Rancor Graveyard
Godless Matron: Chute Town
Godless Matron: Hangar Zerek
Godless Matron: The Gauntlet
Hoth: Ice Cave
Jakku: Fallen Starship
Jedha: Cadera Ruins
Kalsunor: Massassi Arena
Kamino: Landing Platform
Kashyyyk: Rainforest Canopies
Kasiya: Chancellor's Conference Room
Kasiya: The Playground
Kenari: Raiding The Covenant
Kiast: Velastari Temple
Korriban: Valley Of The Dark Lords
Luprora: Rising Tides
Malachor: Sith Temple Ruins
Mustafar: Interrogation Facility
Mustafar: Mining Facility
Naboo: Jan-gwa City
Naboo: Otoh Gunga
Naboo: Plasma Refinery Complex
Naboo: Theed Royal Palace
Nal Hutta: Winter Palace
Nancora: Axio Transit Station Cresh
Nancora: Factory "Empusa"
Nancora: Faron City
Nancora: The Badlands
Nar Shaddaa: Club Vertica
Nar Shaddaa: Jekk'Jekk Tarr Cantina
Nar Shaddaa: Refugee Sector
Nar Shaddaa: Streets
Ruins of Antei: The Dark Hall
[Scenario] Ahch-To: Raiders of the Lost Ahch
[Scenario] Arx: Are You Not Entertained?
[Scenario] Eadu: Weapons of Old
[Scenario] Endor: Searching the Death Star II Ruins
[Scenario] Florrum: Map to a Pirate’s Treasure
[Scenario] Godless Matron: Emergency Repairs
[Scenario] Godless Matron: Intelligence Scramble
[Scenario] Hoth: Bounty on Ice
[Scenario] Kamino: Collective Defector
[Scenario] Kasiya: Glitter Problems On Floor 42
[Scenario] Maldo Kreis: Trial By Ice Spiders
[Scenario] Mustafar: Vader's Legacy
[Scenario] Naboo: Escape from Otoh Gunga
[Scenario] Nancora: Scavenging the Foundry
[Scenario] Nar Shaddaa: Thief Hunt
[Scenario] Umbara: Deals in the Dark
[Scenario] Utapau: Climbing the Ranks
[Scenario] Wasskah: The Most Dangerous Game
[Scenario] Wild Space: Downfall of the Suffering
Selen: Aphotis Sea Laboratory
Selen: Arcona Citadel - Cantina
Selen: Arcona Citadel - Courtyard
Selen: Arcona Citadel - Throne Room
Selen: Fort Blindshot
Selen: Shrine of the Spirit King
Sepros: Ballista Crash Site
Sepros: Temple of Sorrows
Seraph: The Lighthouse
Shili: Savannah
Solyiat: Po’tak Coastline
Solyiat: The Fang
Takodana: Maz Kanata’s Castle
Tatooine: Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina
Tatooine: Great Pit of Carkoon
[Scenario] Nancora: Scavenging the Foundry


In the wake of the Battle of Nancora, the planet was evacuated by all remaining Collective forces and the grand foundries of the Technocratic Guild rigged to explode. In their haste to secure their own homeworlds, the Clans retreated swiftly as well, leaving few forces to sift through the rubble of the utterly hostile world that had cost them so many lives to conquer.

But amongst those desolate ruins, hidden beneath layers of shattered permacrete and bent durasteel, one molten heart continued to beat a ragged pulse. Rumor has it that a rogue overseer refused the order to self-destruct, or that perhaps a cell of Technocrats have returned in secret to the planet to relight the fires of industry. Whatever the truth, Foundry Kappa-37 continues to belch its acrid smoke into the Nancoran skies from beneath piles of rubble and debris.

What is found here no longer resembles the production line it once was. Bubbling vats of molten durasteel and slag shift atop rickety rails on unmanned carts, piloted by seemingly no-one. Sudden ventings of scalding hot acids spout from cracked pipelines and vents, bathing the surreal scene in a sickening greenish tint that mingles with the rust red corrosion that permeates the bare durasteel skeleton that still somehow survives beneath the wasted surface.

What purpose all this industry serves is anyone’s guess, but in such turbulent times, gaining control of such an asset would be of vital importance to anyone’s war efforts, for the automated lathes and assembler arms left behind are more than capable of manufacturing any desired munition from blasters and shells to cybernetics and starfighters. If one can wrestle control from the half-finished cyborgs that still roam the hallways, dare the perils of the assembly line and make their way to the central control room, still hanging perilously suspended above a giant crucible of molten durasteel, they can bend this arrhythmic heart of production to their whim — or finish what the Collective had started.