Founded during the Hundred-Year Darkness in the ancient past, the Fang is situated among the snowy peaks of Trepus on Solyiat. A time worn bastion of rusting steel and black stonework, the castle is a spider's web of defensive walls, battlements, and vast towers surrounding a central keep carved from the mountain itself. Large sections of its battlements give way to sheer cliffs plunging down for hundreds of meters, or lead out into miles of barren stone rising in wave-like crests of angular spikes.
Now long abandoned by the Dark Jedi who founded the castle, and the Templar Jensaarai who once dwelled there, the Fang is now home only to the roving bands of predators who have formed dens within its walls. Easily passing through the shattered gates left broken open, the vast mosaic emblazoned courtyards before the keep are left strewn with the detritus of pack kills and prior battles. The howls of wolves are now a common sound within the Fang, echoing through its abandoned halls.
It is only when a traveler reaches the keep and passed through its decaying stone doors that some of the Fang's lost grandeur can be found. Statues of past leaders and threadbare banners of long gone victories flank the immediate doorway. A baroque grand dining hall vast enough to seat hundreds with the mythology of the continent recorded in its stone pillars remains largely intact. A once extensive archive, now stripped of its knowledge, dominates a cavern large enough to house an assault carrier. A weaponsmith's forge able to outfit an entire army now lies cold and abandoned.
The keep stretches further back and down into the mountain itself. Lit only by the aura of bioluminescent plants and the flickering lamps from the castle's failing geothermal power cores, the dungeons of the castle's lowest depths are home to the only real worth of the building. Cells created by its founders to house captives of rival Dark Jedi too valuable to kill, and Sithspawn creations too dangerous to be loosed upon the galaxy. Even long dead, the spirits of such entities still linger within these chambers, clawing at ethereal bindings and howling pleas for their freedom.