Located in the Outer Rim of the galaxy, Utapau has a singularly unique geography composed of a small molten metallic core, a rocky mantle, and a chalky, porous crust. The crust is punctured by hundreds of large sinkholes, which lead downwards to a massive subterranean ocean which encircles the planet. The surface itself is very dry and arid, covered in rough scrubland.
Utapau is inhabited by two native sentient species, the long lived Pau’unand the short, fleeting Utai. These natives live together in vast, multi-level, subterranean cities which are built into the walls of the planets largest sinkholes and connected to each other by a cave network. Using the native Varactyls and Dactillions as mounts, the citizens can travel easily between different levels of the city by flying or climbing along it’s rocky walls.
Pau City is the planet’s capital and primary spaceport, and the center of all activity on Utapau. Shipments of ore and raw material mined from deep below the planet's surface are exported in return for food, technology, and other materials that the planet lacks. The city is most famous for the role it played in the closing stages of the Clone Wars, when the neutral planet was occupied and used as a base for the Separatist General Grievous.
You have been assigned to escort a V.I.P from the lower levels of the city to a waiting transport near the surface. His services will be of immense value to you, and you’ve been commanded to ensure they do not come to any harm. Unfortunately, other members of the Brotherhood have discovered his presence here and will try to kidnap them before you can make it to the shuttle.